hanji zoë x mentally drained! male! reader

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wsg, alr let's get to it 👍🏽

category: angsty and fluffy 🤗

hanji: they/them
reader: he/him
levi: he/himo
(she's a character i made up on the spot, she a friend)

overview: after being promoted to the higher up ranks, you've been constantly overworked during the day and captain levi pounding more work onto you doesn't help, so one day, you just slip.


Third POV:

day after day. night after night. week after week. you couldn't catch a break. 5:00 am to 4:00 am you were worked. you rarely caught sleep. if you did, it was roughly 30 minutes or at the most an hour before captain levi banged on everyone's door, waking them up from slumber.

this man was the bane of your existence. he was the whole reason why you were working 20 hours a day. you would be down to a 2-inch stack of papers and reports to cover when you would sigh of relief, only for him to drop a 6-inch stack on top for you to finish.

you were going on 3 weeks without proper sleep, and it was showing. sure, a couple 30 ish minute naps before being woken up by none other than your, basically torturer. your performance started declining. rapidly. your reports from missions and looking over cadets were just fine, but it was everything else.

your combat skills started to deteriorate and you slowly became weaker. yours truly wouldn't even give you breaks to eat or use the bathroom while he was monitoring you. you would have to sneak out in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or, what rarely happened, eat.

because of all the pounding work on your shoulders, you'd skip meals and this was your longest record, around 4.5 days without food. occasionally, sasha would drop by and force a couple potatoes down your throat, but that only made you hungrier.

on the other hand, a certain titan-crazy scientist noticed how you came out of your office less and less. while a certain 5'2 captain barely cared. he saw this as an opportunity to 'train the new higher ups.' he still saw you as a cadet and treated you as such. it hasn't logged into his thick skull that you were on the same team as him. a position in authority. he was obviously a way higher up rank than you so you couldn't talk back and you had to show him respect.

back to you.

it's currently 4:38 pm and ad usual, you were in your office. you were malnourished and tired. you had dark circles under your eyes from the sleepless nights you've gone with a couple restless naps here and there every couple days or so. to put it easily, you were squeezed of every last drop of energy. you were drained completely. it came to the point where you were winded by running 10 laps around camp.

you could usually last for quite awhile. 76 was your record and you usually were drastically needing air around lap 40. it took so much energy out of you to even run to the other side of the building. you health and skills were quickly declining as you pushed yourself beyond your limits.

the boundary was crossed about 1,489 papers ago.

back to now. you were reviewing a mission report to hand in to section commander hanji. "hmm.. seems correct all over." you mumbled quietly under your breath.

y/n's pov:

shit. i'm so tired but i have to turn in this paper, then i can request 1 day off. i cant take it, it's taken too much of a toll on me. i quickly speeded over to hanji's office and knocked three times. "come in!!!" i cheery and familiar voice called out. i sighed in relief with a slight smile on my face.

god, how much i love the sound of their voice.

it lifts my mood instantly.

i could listen to them talk all day-

"i said you can come in love!" hanji called out again. whoops. i kinda forgot to walk in. o well.

i opened the door without any hesitation and was greeted with a not so friendly face. obviously hanji was at her desk but across from them was a captain that you were dreading.

oh how i wished i could let it all out on that man right now. "i have that report on the most recent mission that you requested. sorry it was so late. i was busy working on other assignments requested by other individuals." i said annoyed while glancing at levi when i said 'other individuals'.

"ill leave now. i have to make sure some cadets are cleaning the stables correctly. that jaeger needs to be put in his place." levi stated while walking out calmly. i'm glad he left. he knew he wasn't wanted in the conversation.

i basically collapsed once he left. hanji was there to catch me. i couldn't bear it. i know i'm supposed to be tough. this is the survey corps. you have to be tough. but i couldn't. it was too much.

"it's too much hanji...i cant take anymore of this. it's torture." i said tiredly while hyperventilating for a bit. i felt so dizzy. lightheaded. almost as if i was going to...

hanji's pov:
"y/n? hey hey! wake up! oh shit! hey!" i shook him violently until i see his chest rise, then lower. rise, then lower. over and over. it was faint but there. i rushed to the infirmary with him in my arms bridal style and laid him down. i unbuttoned his shirt to check his heartbeat and... oh my walls.

"oh my walls. this can't be happening." you could see his ribs. clear as day. hard to miss if anything. no wonder.. i've barely seen him around and he's barely coming out of his office. i knew exactly who was behind his torture. he was pale, his ribs were seen? there were dark circles under his eyes. he looked so frazzled. it was none other than the merciless captain levi. oh how i'm going to yell at him after i treat y/n but that's for later.

i checked his heart beat and it was steady. weak, but steady. i'm glad he was resting. he clearly needed it.

y/n's pov:
oh my walls... my head is killing me. how long have i been asleep? all i remember is passing out in hanji's arms. i felt like i died for awhile because of how long i felt i was asleep. "you're awake! let me go get hanji!" i heard a sweet voice call out. i immediately recognized it as krista's. she's such an angel.

"YOU'RE AWAKEEEE!!!!!! HOW ARE YOU? ARE YOU HUNGRY? THIRSTY? TIRED? SLEEPY?" hanji yelled while hugging me close. "i'm hungry. beyond hungry." i said in a weak voice. "how...how long was i out?" i hesitantly questioned, not knowing how long i was out. "you probably don't want to hear this, but around 43 hours." "WHAT?!" i screamed out. i had been asleep for almost 2 days??? how? did i need that much rest?

"i have so much work to catch up on...captain levi is going to kill me-" "you won't have to worry about that. i spoke to him and he agreed to distribute the work WAY more evenly. and until further notice, you're off duty. you are to rest and eat and sleep until you've recovered." hanji proudly stated while crossing their arms. "hanji! i cant! that too much time! what about all my work?!" i blurted out. "all your work is going to captain levi." they excitedly said while smiling at me.

i looked into their eyes giving them a look that was saying 'are you serious?' they nodded proudly and sat down on a stool next to the bed. i looked into their eyes and grabbed their hand.

"thank you. i really mean it." i said while smiling. i room their hand, kissed the tip of one of their knuckles and held it close to me as i fell back asleep, knowing i was free of this burden that was holding me down.


a/n: okay sad news, i might be ending this book soon, i know im a sucky author because i update sometimes 1 month apart, or one year apart. i know i cant constantly update for you all so i think i'll do a couple more chapters and then end it there. i know it's not all the requests that were made and now i'm leaving a bunch of empty promises and for that, i'm truly sorry. this journey was amazing with you all and i never expected this to blow up as much as it did! i love you all so much 🤍

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