cutie with a notebook || hanji x male! reader

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a/n: i just realized that most of my one shots are female readers and i wrote most of those when i went by she/they pronouns and shi like that lol, so here is a male reader one, and i will make my next one gender neutral for my fellow enbies <3

note, that the reader has something that shoko komi from komi cant communicate has. he has severe social anxiety. i took a lot of inspiration from the show bc im addicted to it >:]

note #2: i will be using he/him pronouns for the reader in this story and they/them pronouns for hanji :>

note #3: don't worry, you, the reader, is eligible and its legal for you and hanji to date, don't worry im not stupid!

quote from the show as much as i can remember:

when a person has extreme social anxiety, they have a hard time communicating their feelings and forming bonds, however, that doesn't mean that they don't want to form bonds.

let the story begin :]

no one's pov:
hanji was walking back to their office when they came across something particular outside their door. hanji saw the faniliar cadet, [y/n] shuffling outside, building up the courage to knock, yet turning around and that happening over and over again. "cadet [l/n]?"
[flashback to moments before:]
[y/n]'s pov:
'okay, okay! i can do this! wait... what if im bothering them when they're working?! oh i don't want to be a bother...'
{yep, we're an overthinker, just like me irl 🤌}
'okay, here i go!' i put my hand in a fist and brought my hand up to knock, but i hesitated. 'what if they're working, or super busy, or doesn't want any visitors and they get mad at me? oh i really don't want that to happen.' i turned away, with my back facing the door, and built up my courage again.
'they shouldn't be too busy,,, right? they didn't seem pissed earlier so i think hanji should be in a good mood...right?' i walked up to the door, raised my fisted hand and was about to knock. 'okay, here goes nothi-'

cadet [l/n]?
[back to normal time]
no one's pov
he shrieked in fear and slowly turned towards their section commander. he hid his face and pulled out his notebook he kept with him at all times and quickly wrote something down and showing it to hanji, hiding his face in the process.

'how much of that did you see...?'

hanji chuckled and gently patted his shoulder in reassurance. "not too much, only you building up the courage to knock, only for it to get knocked down again." [y/n] turned bright red because he got caught being childish about knocking on a door. he scribbled something down on his notebook again and hanji tried getting a peek in their curiosity.

'may we speak in your office about a...sensitive topic please section commander hanji..?'

hanji's pov:
'gosh he's too,,, gentle, sweet, polite for this brutal world. i promise, ill get you to a safe place my dear cadet, [y/n].'
"oh cadet! don't worry about the formalities! please, just call me hanji like the other cadets! and of course, please, come in!" he scribbled something down in his notebook again.


'my poor, sweet cadet. i promise, i will get you to a less brutal and harsh world and place like this. like a paradise with no harm at all and the sweetest people.'
"please, take a seat dear!" he turned a shade of pink with the pet name i called him and it was adorable. he sat down across from me, pulling out his notebook again.

"what was it that you wanted to talk about?" he pulled out his pen and tried writing, but no ink came out. i noticed him struggling, but didn't want to ask anything. "here, use my pen cadet." and i offered him my pen. he quickly wrote down 'thank you.' and i nodded. "continue what you were writing."

i sat there, watching him jot down a lot of words. gosh, im not an english teacher, this is a lot! he was done. he hesitated at first, but slowly turned the notebook around.

'i wanted to ask you about the upcoming mission. everyone keeps shouting at me for simple mistakes and small commands like 'go there on that tree!' when it's not my position and i get too nervous to say anything back and i don't have my book on missions. so...i was wondering if you could talk to [insert said character(s) thats giving you troubles] about that please...i would appreciate it because i don't know how to handle it at all. it makes me want to break down on the spot and run away to hide. so please, could you talk to them about it..?' people are also messing with me during dinner in the mess hall calling me really harsh names, so i was wondering if you could possibly defend me...? it's totally your choice and im not forcing anything!!'

hanj's pov:
my heart shattered instantly. he was getting bullied and toyed around by his comrades and didn't tell anyone? ill do anything for you, love. "my sweet cadet... you should have came to me sooner about this and what people are doing to you! ill do anything to defend you. all you should do is look at me and raise your right hand so i can tell people to knock their bullshit off."

'i wanted to come to you sooner, but i was scared you wouldn't want to and treat me harshly...'

"oh my wall maria, no!" i would never! you are one of my favorite cadets ever, and ill do anything for you. come here!"
i pulled him into a sweet hug and he was stunned at first, but then slowly hugging back. when i pulled away, he was bright red! how adorable.

[y/n]'s pov:
i-i wasn't expecting hanji to hug me... i slowly hugged back, and feeling myself turn 50 shades of red. i built up the confidence and courage to,,,

"t-thank you, hanji."

{the hanji was too stunned to speak.}

no one's pov:
that was the first word [y/n] has said to anyone since the day he ever joined the training cadets. (that was 3 years.) hanji was at a loss of words entirely. "y-your voice [y/n]... its so intoxicating and beautiful. ive never heard it before, but im so glad i did. you, your voice, everything about you cadet,, its perfect." [y/n] did something hanji would've never expected.

he passed out with a bloody nose.

hanji's pov:
"CADET??? HELLO??? ARE YOU OKAY???" im so worried about him! did i do anything?? he slowly woke up, his [long/short] eyelashes fluttering open and looking at me. i gently carried him to a chair and sat him down. i grabbed a first-aid kit and cleaned up his bloody nose. "how are you feeling [y/n]?"

he grabbed his notebook and scribbled something down.

'ehh, but thank you for assisting me, hanji.'

he's so precious. "of course! its standard procedure to take care of any cadet that is injured or in any state of that sort. do you know why you passed out?"

he wrote something down.


"heh, cutie." i pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead and smiled ag his stunned and red face. "now that you're all cleaned up, lets go get food yeah? im starving!" i dragged him to the mess hall with my arm around his shoulders and close to me. we walked in and got a lot of stares but i glared them all down. he went to get his food and showed me his notebook.

'thank you for the small kiss. im gonna go sit over at the table in the very back, eat well!'

and he made his way over to the said table.

"cutie." i muttered out quietly


a/n: WELLL? HOW'D YA THINK??? after a huge break, im pretty proud of this! im too lazy to check for grammar and spelling mistakes, so if you notice any, pleas point them out!! please let me know if oil offended anyone with this because i have a decent amount of social anxiety. i tried going off of komi cant communicate or komi-san wa komyushou desu and how komi is in there, so please let me know if i got anything wrong!!

until next time my loves,

yk, lil note, it's been like 4 months since i posted this, but i have NO memory writing this 💀

-wyvern <3
word count: 1435 words

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