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In Mehra mansion

Abhi is getting ready for his engagement with Meera. He wears his dress and admires at Pragya's pic in his vallet. He speaks to Pragya's pic 'I promised u I will never give your place for any other woman and even today I am not ready to give that place to anyone if not for Rhea'. His eyes gets filled with tears and kisses Pragya's pic.

In Pragya's house

Pragya gets ready very beautifully to prove Abhi that she is very happy with his wedding. She goes near her cupboard and take the album which has Abhi's pics. She asks 'why are u doing this to me?u promised me, haven't u? that u will never give my place to any other woman,then why?'. She breaks into tears. Prachi looks at her mother and feels sad and goes away from there. Prachi thinks how Abhi said that she and Rhea are also responsible for his wedding with Meera and thinks about Saritha anuntie's words. Just then, Shahana comes from behind and pats Prachi on her head and says 'thinking about Ranbir,ah?'. Prachi gets irritated but blushingly says 'what is there to think about that idiot now, I know he loves me and no matter what happens he will always be with me but now I am thinking about maa. Just then Pragya and Sarita Ben comes there. Pragya asks shall we leave now? Everyone nods.

In Mehra mansion

Abhi is still looking at Pragya's pic just then Rhea comes there exclaiming " wow dad u look stunning. And what are u looking at Dad". Just then Abhi hides the pic under the bed saying it's nothing. Just then Abhi gets a call so he goes out to speak. Rhea who is not convinced with his answer checks the pic under the bed and after seeing it she says "expected. I know dad u love her very much. She might be a very good wife but she can never be a good mother. She can never love anyone other than Prachi." She admires at her pic with teary eyes and she keeps the pic back from where she has taken it and leaves from there.

In taxi

Prachi is thinking about Pragya "If papa marries someone else then maa will always remain in pain. No I won't let that happen. Prachi shouts loudly "Never". Hearing Prachi everyone turns towards her.Pragya asks "what happened?" She beamingly says "nothing". Pragya asks "nothing?". Just then they reach Mehra mansion so everyone comes out of taxi and Pragya stops thinking about what Prachi said and stares at the mansion which is decorated with colourful lights for her husband's engagement with another woman where she is attending as a guest. Her eyes gets filled with tears which is observed by Prachi but Shahana who is still thinking about what Prachi has said pulls her aside and asks her what she was thinking. Prachi denies saying nothing.But when Shahana pesters her then Prachi takes a deep breath and says "I want to live with my sister,my mother and father together as a family".Shahana gets shocked and says"What?". Prachi smilingly says "Yes Shahana,do u remember what sarita aunty said yesterday, dad is marrying Meera aunty bcoz I and Rhea can't stay under the same roof,so obviously Rhea can't get mother's love. So in order to fulfill her wish dad is getting married to Meera aunty. But If I say I am ready to stay with them then dad will not get married and me and maa can come back to papa."Shahana who is still shocked says " but Prachi,do u think Rhea will let u live easily". Prachi's smile disappears and she says "ofcourse not, But I should try after all I am the elder one and she is my mother's daughter so whatever bad things she do but from inside she will be very good. I will change her into a good person, I feel it is my responsibility". Shahana who is till unconvinced with her decision and nods her head. Rhea who is standing in distant and heard their conversation "wow elder sister u want to change me Rhea Mehra. I agree I love maa and I really really want her but if she has to come into mine and dad's lives then u should go out from our lives. Rockstar Abhishek Prem Mehra and Pragya Arora should have only one daughter i.e only Rhea Mehra". Saying this she smiles evilly.


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