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Next day

" good morning, hubby" says Shahana to Aryan while brushing Aryan's hair with her fingers who is still sleeping in her lap.

" good morning, wifey." Says Aryan after a chuckle.

Aryan wakes rubbing his eyes and sits next to Shahana and understands that Shahana has been sitting all night as he slept on her lap.

" ur laps are so comfortable pillows. I want them every night." Says Aryan.

" shut up. My waist is aching badly." Says Shahana.

" oh, let me give u a message." Saying this Aryan tries to make her sleep.

" hey, what are u trying to do?" asks Shahana.

" trying to give u a message." Says Aryan to which Shahana gives a doubtful look. Aryan understands the meaning of that look.

" what? are u scared that I will do something to u?" asks Aryan naughtily.

" shut up. I have to go for shopping today." Saying this she was about to leave but she cries with pain holding her waist to which Aryan chuckles.

" that's why I said, I will give u a massage." Says Aryan.

" fine. " saying this she lies on the bed. Aryan gives her a massage.

" Shahana, I wanna ask u something?" says Aryan.

" what? That how u massage? Well, it's quite professional. I feel so relaxed." Says Shahana.

" well, I am happy that u love it. But I wanted to ask u something serious." Says Aryan .

" go ahead, I am all ears." Says Shahana.

" if we found that my mother is really responsible for everything we are doubting her, will u leave me?" asks Aryan.

Shahana gets perplexed by his question. She gets up and sits infront of him with an angry face.

" why did u even get that thought?" asks Shahana and gives him a little slap on his face.

"well, I was just....." Aryan tries to say something while holding his cheek but Shahana hugs him.

" I will never leave u no matter what. Got it. And promise me that u will never think like that nor ask those sort of questions. "says Shahana.

" I promise and I am sorry. I was just scared that I will become alone." Says Aryan while hugging her back.

" while I have my own benefits by staying with u." saying this Shahana breaks their hug.

" like what?" asks Aryan.

" I don't know whether I will found one more husband who can love me like u do, stand by me, fight for me and of course ur massage." Says Shahana while chuckling.

" don't u dare to find another one. I will do whatever u want." Says Aryan.

" fine, today we should plan something big to know what exactly happened twenty years ago. We know only bits. We don't know what exactly happened in that hotel room. The two persons who know that secret is ur mother and father. U should learn the truth from them somehow." Says Shahana.

" what about u?" asks Aryan.

" well, I will also do the same and I have lots of preparations to do for Prachi and Ranbhir's mehendhi ceremony. So, I will be a little busy." Says Shahana.

" okay. I will deal with it." says Aryan.

Shahana's pov

I am sorry for lying to u, Aryan. U are already hurt by yesterday's incident so I don't want u to know what I am gonna do now. I have to find out the truth why ur mother doesn't care about u. I want to know the truth behind her every action concerning u.

During shopping

All the ladies come for shopping. King finds out that Kiara is in the mall and comes there to take her. Shahana selects two dresses and gets so confused which one to buy. She wanted to take a pick and send to Aryan for his choice but she finds everyone busy except Meera. She asks Meera to take her pics. They go aside to click pics. Shahana likes the pics and gives her a hug and thanks her. Meera feels happy seeing Shahana happy. Shahana leaves from there. Meera sees King.

At home

Aryan finds everyone busy. He decides to help Purab, so that during the chat he can ask his doubts.

" Dad, do u want some help?" asks Aryan.

" yeah, can u please check on this decoration and u know Ranbhir's taste, so tell me will he like this decoration?" asks Purab.

" u can ask him directly right?" Says Aryan.

" Yeah, but Vikram said he went to meet a friend. So I am asking u. and Prachi is also not here. Do u know anyone who knows her taste, so that I can get to know whether she will like this decoration or not?" says Purab.

" well, all the ladies went to shopping...." Saying this Aryan finds Sunny making some arrangements.

Aryan's pov

Dad would have missed bhai very much. Bhai knows Prachi's taste. With this they can talk to each other. I can talk to dad later.

" well dad, I know one man who knows Prachi's taste." Says Aryan.

" who is it?" asks Purab.

" Sunny bhai, come here." Calls Aryan shocking Purab.

" well bhai, dad needs ur help..." Before Aryan could finish Sunny denies to help Purab and tries to leave from there.

" it's about Prachi." Says Aryan.

Hearing this Sunny stops himself.

" What do u want?" asks Sunny.

" well, dad doesn't know Prachi's taste. So he want some help with the decoration so that even Prachi would like the arrangements." Says Aryan.

" well, if u keep children with yourself instead of sending them away, u will know about them." Sternly replies Sunny hurting Purab. Aryan also understands what he meant. But he requests Sunny to help which he reluctantly agrees.

Aryan was asked to get something from the store room. While he was going to the store room, he sees windows flapping due to wind in Disha's room. He goes inside to close windows. But before he goes one of the files has fallen due to wind. He closes the windows and picks all the papers without seeing them and tries to keep in the cupboard. Before he could do that, one of the servant calls him to come to his room as he needs something from Aryan's room. So Aryan leaves with the file in his hand. He goes to his room and keeps the file on the table and leaves from his room to help in the arrangements forgetting about the file. It is Disha's second pregnancy report.

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