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Pranbhir's engagement

All the elders are busy in the living room arranging everything. Shahana , Rhea, Mishti and Kiara are helping Prachi to get ready, simultaneously Sunny, Aryan, Shashank and Ishaan are helping Ranbhir to get ready. Prachi observs the awkwardness between and Rhea and Shahana.

" I guess I need mother's chain. All this aren't suiting me." saying this Prachi tries to leave but Shahana holds her.

" the one which u are wearing is perfect. And since when u started caring about ur jewellwey. As far as I know u never u used care about all these things." Says Shahana.

" well, people change. Have anyone expected, a good girl like me will fall in love with a flirt like Ranbhir. But it did happen. Isn't it? And it's my engagement, and I wanna look perfect." Saying this Prachi leaves.

" well, she sounded non-prachi very much." Says Rhea.

" yeah, I know. And did u finish getting ready?" asks Shahana.

" yeah almost. But haven't got readied yet? Come , let me help u." says Rhea.

Shahana feels a bit awkward as Rhea has never been so nice to her but she agrees to take her help.

" I think this suits ur dress." Saying this Rhea passes a jewellery set to Shahana making her feel more awkward which Rhea was able to understand.

" I know u are feeling awkward. I agree I was a maniac. But trust me I am changed. And I agree , it's hard to believe as I have done many unforgivable mistakes. So I understand if u are unable to forgive me anytime soon but I will wait for it and never give up. Something which I learnt from my sister. " says Rhea to which Shahana smiles.

" I always wanted forgive u since the day u agreed to get urself to get punished for the mistakes u have done but I wasn't sure whether u have really changed or u were just acting. So I couldn't say what I wanted to say. But now I can finally tell u. I forgive u Rhea." Says Shahana keeping her palm over Rhea's.

Rhea gets emotional and accepts Shahana as her sister. Prachi comes there and feels happy seeing thm bonded. Shahana sees Prachi.

" so did u get the one u wanted?" asks Shahana.

Prachi murmurs thinking what to say as she went to out so that Shahana and Rhea could patch up, not for any jewellery.

" well, I saw maa's jewellery. This is better than them . so I am gonna wear this." Says Prachi.

Shahana understands Prachi's motive and smiles.

Ranbhir comes down with the boys. He was looking pretty handsome in his baby pink suite. Everyone's eyes were on him but his eyes were desperately searching for Prachi which is observed by everyone.

" looking for someone ?"asks Pallavi.

" yeah. For u only. U look so beautiful mom." Saying this Ranbhir tries to flatter Pallavi but she understands for whom Ranbhir's eyes are searching for.

"she will come"says Pallavi.

"when?" asks Ranbhir not knowing what he was speaking.

" so, u weren't searching for me. u liar." Says Pallavi to which everyone smile.

Just then Prachi comes with the girls.

Prachi dressed in skyblue colour lehenga. She was looking mesmerizing. Ranbhir couldn't take his eyes off from her. The more he sees her, the more he wants to see her. Her smile was so alluring that not only Ranbhir but nobody could take their eyes off her. Prachi comes and stand infornt of Ranbhir who is still awed at her. She closes his mouth, bring him to senses. Everyone laughs at him.

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