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Next day

At Mehra mansion

Dadi calls everyone to the living room. Panditji has come to fix Pranbhir's wedding date. Everyone comes there. Pranbhir takes panditji's blessings. Dadi asks panditji to fix an auspicious day for Pranbhir's wedding. Panditji announces there is an auspicious day after 10 days and fixes the date for Pranbhir's wedding. Pallavi feeds sweets to Prachi and Ranbhir but doesn't give sweets to Rhea. Rhea feels bad but smiles. Prachi feeds sweets to Rhea. Pallavi calls and informs Mishti about Pranbhir's wedding.

At Srinivasans hosue

Mishti gets excited. She comes running but finds everyone stressed out regarding Rhea and Ishaan. Shashank understands that Mishti wants to say something.

" What happend Mishti? U look so happy." asks Shashsank. Everyone turns to Mishti on hearing Shashank's words.

" well, Prachi and my brother's wedding is fixed. After 10 days, they are gonna get married." Says Mishti to which everyone gets happy.

At Mehra mansion

" what happened Shahana? Why are u shouting like this?" asks Prachi who comes there running.

" I wasn't shouting. I was calling everyone." Replies Shahana.

" calling? Is that called calling? And Aryan, u, instead of stopping her, u are also shouting with her." Says Ranbhir who comes after Prachi.

" why? Were u busy with each other? doing something ?" asks Shahana naughtily.

" Shut up" says Pranbhir in unison.

" Stop it all of u. two of u are already married and two more are getting married but four of u are acting like kids." Says Pragya.

" why did u call everyone here, Aryan?" asks Alia.

Aryan takes a deep breath and Aryan and Shahana look at each other.

" well, I and Aryan were thinking that more the people more merrier, especially in a wedding home." Tells Shahana.

" so?" asks Abhi.

" so, we were thinking to call our relatives and friends now itself, at least the closed ones. It would be nice. Don't u think, Chucks?" asks Aryan.

" well, that's a...." Abhi gets interrupted by Alia.

"it's such a nasty idea. This is our house not any ashram or something else to shelter so many people for 10 days for a damn wedding." Tells Alia and gets a ferocious look from everyone.

" Mind your words, Alia. this is not a damn wedding, it's my daughter's wedding. And Aryan and Shahana, I really like ur idea. Prachi and Ranbhir, this is your wedding. So, do u like Aryan and Shahana's idea?" asks Abhi to which Pranbhir nods in agreement.

" ok, I will call Mr.Srinivasan and ask them to come asap." Saying this Vikram leaves from there.

" So, I will call Sunny bhai. " says Shahana.

Everyone gets shocked on hearing Shahana's words as they know how Sunny is related to their family except Prachi, Rhea and Kohlis.

" what did u just say?" asks Alia angrily.

Her anger is noticed by everyone but not by Prachi. Prachi gets excited on hearing Shahana's idea.

" wow Shahana, what an awsm idea. I really want Sunny bhai to be with me till my wedding. He is the only elder brother I have. And what is there to ask in this? Haven't u heard what papa said? It's my wedding and everything will happen as I wanted. Wait for five minutes, I will get ready and then we can go together and bring maasi and bhai here." Says an excited Prachi.

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