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Sorry,sorry,..... I had exams so I couldn't upload. Hope u can forgive me for not informing u guys earlier. So the story continues......

In Mehra mansion

Purab thinks about Sunny and sees Disha and gets shocked. She thinks "u cheated on me but I never thought u would completely forget about your elder son. I was scolding Sunny whenever he spoke bad about u saying that u love him very much. But u proved me wrong once again Purab Khanna." Purab understands that Disha heard everything. He sees hatred for him in her eyes. Purab gets teary -eyed.

Dida says "we will start the ceremony with couple dance." Abhi-Pragya, Aryan-Mishti, Pallavi- Vikram, Raj-Mithali comes on stage to dance. Aliya comes to Purab to dance. He refuses. Purab observs Aryan is looking at them so he reluctantly agrees. Disha also dances with a random person. They dance for a while. And then they exchange their partners. Disha becomes Purab's partner. Aryan and Aliya see them . Aliya fumes but as there was nothing she could do she keeps quiet. Aryan remembers Disha and thinks "what is she doing here?" He gets angry and decided to confront her. Then they change their partners. Disha becomes Aryan's partner. 

As soon as Aryan touches her he gets a different feeling. Suddenly his anger gets vanished. He feels good. He gets teary-eyed. Disha also feels the same. Both of them get teary-eyed. The dance ends. Aryan thinks "I decided to confront her but as soon as I touched her I got a different feeling." Disha thinks "I normally get this feeling only with ..." Aryan thinks "the feeling with being someone close." Disha thinks breathing heavily"How? How....?" Aryan and Disha together think "How is it possible?" they look at each other. 

Aliya and Purab come and stand next to Aryan and Vikram and Pallavi stand next to Mishti. Mishti is given the ring. She thinks about Shashank. But remembers their break up and puts ring to Aryan's ring. Aryan is also given the ring. He thinks about Shahana but Aliya says "come on, go ahead, what are u waiting for?" Aryan puts ring to Mishti's finger. Everyone clap for them. Both of them give a fake smile. Disha feels that Aryan is sad but then she suddenly sees Abhi and Pragya. Disha comes to Abhi and Pragya and says "now I will leave. It is getting too late." Abhi says "but come once again." Disha says "no jiju, I am leaving Delhi." 

Pragya says "what?" Disha says "yes di, I got transfer from Delhi." Pragya asks "but where?" Just then dida comes there and says "u both are here. I have been searching for u everywhere. Come I have to speak something important with u." She forcefully takes Abhi and Pragya. Disha is about to leave but Aliya comes there. Aliya says "did u find a board outside which says "everyone are invited."" Disha asks "what?" Aliya says "I mean u are not invited but still u came , so I was asking." Disha says "I came here to meet di and jiju. After coming here I came to know about your son's roka." Aliya says "no.., mine and Purab's son." 

Disha gets frustrated and is about to leave. Aliya stops her and warns her to stay from her family. Disha says "your son is very good. I am happy that he is not evil like u and he loves u but will he love u the same way when he gets to know about your reality? The real u?" Aliya laughs sarcastically and says "do u think my son will believe a random woman's words?" Disha says "of course he will not believe me but he will definitely believe his dad, his chachi and chucks who knows your reality very well. Won't he?" Aliya leaves Disha's hand. Disha says "so scared? Of course u will be. I already told u the other day and I am telling u once again I neither have interest in u nor in your husband". Disha leaves from there. Aliya leaves angrily from there. Aryan who was hiding behind the pillar comes out who is in shock. He thinks "about what truth that aunty was speaking? How is she related to our family? And why mom got scared? Who will answer my questions?" He gets thinking.

In Mumbai

Prachi is running on the road. Ishaan is searching for her. Sunny calls and informs Shahana. Ishaan finds Prachi alone at a place sitting and crying. He goes to her and says "Prachi..."Prachi is about to leave but held by Ishaan. Prachi asks him to leave her hand. Ishaan says "just listen to me for 2 min, later it is your wish." Prachi frees her hands and says "what should I listen? That u were having feelings for me and without asking me u said to your parents that we are together." Ishaan says "nothing like that, u misunderstood." Prachi says "I have misunderstood nothing" and is about to leave. Ishaan says "If u leave, promise on our friendship." Prachi stops.

 Ishaan narrates the entire story. Prachi gets shocked. Prachi says "I always treated u as my friend.. then..." Ishaan says "even I treat u the same way but it is my parents who misunderstood. So for them I said I will give this relationship a chance but.... I know u don't like me in that manner. And I don't know why? " Prachi remembers Ranbhir. Her pain gets increased. Ishaan continues "Prachi I never fell in love, not even with u. So whatever your answer is I will not feel bad but I just don't want our friendship to break." Prachi stands there, not to know what to answer. She remembers Sunny's words that she will leave their house only after she get married and it means Sunny wants Prachi to get married. She thinks of Ranbhir and then sees Ishaan and thinks "my happiness is not there with me atleast I can give happiness to my brother.". Prachi says "I need some time to think." Ishaan happily nods. Sunny and Shahana come there and see them. Sunny feels happy seeing them together but Shahana gets sad.

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