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In Srinivasans office

" What bhai? What are u speaking? U are Purab sir's son?"

" yes. Wait.. what did u say? Purab sir? Why did u call him sir? Do u know him?"

Suddenly someone comes and lay his hands on them.

" HI, guys. "

" Ishaan u scared us. And where were u? Tomorrow is the concert and u disappeared for couple of hours? Where were u? And are u ok? Abhigya told me everything?"

" Relax bro. I am absolutely fine."

Suddenly Prachi comes there. Both Ishaan and Prachi share an embarassed look. But Prachi notices Shahana sweating. She comes to Shahana and asks her what happened. Shahana doesn't reply. Prachi shakes her due to which Shahana comes to senses.

" What is wrong with u Shahana? Where are u lost?"

Sunny gets tensed as Ishaan was over there. He doesn't want Ishaan to know about his relation with Purab though he don't have a problem in Prachi knowing the truth. So he tries to distract them.

" Abhigya, I will take care of her. I guess u and Ishaan have a lot to talk. I know what happened between u both. But I want u both to be on good terms, so why don't u guys sort them out."

Prachi agrees and leaves with Ishaan reluctantly.

At Mehra mansion

Rhea is in her room thinking about Ishaan.

Rhea's pov

I don't know whether I love Ishaan or not but he influences me a lot. I like being with him. I felt so good when he was sharing his feelings with me, but I didn't feel good when he told that he loved someone else. What is wrong with me? I am going mad. I feel so happy whenever I am around him. Whenever he is around me my heart beats so fast. What are all these symptoms? I need to discuss it with mom.

Suddenly she sees Kiara passing by.

" Arya di, are u free? Did u finish practicing?"

" yes, Rhea. What do u want?"

" di, I wanted to ask u something."

" yeah , go ahead."

"Not here di. Come in."

" well, tell me now? What is it with u?"

" Di, I am getting these weird symptoms. It's about someone."


" Di, pls it's serious. Ok, listen whenever that person is around me I feel good, protective, happy. It is like I want to live in that moment forever. That person makes me smile, makes me feel warm. Whenever that person is around me, my hear starts beating fastly. I can't control my emotions. I will never listen to anyone and getting convinced by someone is something impossible. But whenever this person tells me something I listen to that person and infact I get convinced. This couldn't be achieved even by my mother. Now, tell me why am I felling like this?"

" well, these feelings and emotions are natural in this age. And u should get this feelings in this age, or else u would be considered as abnormal."

" what?"

"yes, and ha, if u feel these things about a girl then also it is considered as abnormal."

" what? No.. I have these weird feelings towards a boy... oh no..."

" well , that's great. Because these are the symptoms of love."

"Oh... what?"

"yes. So, all the best."

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