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Aryan is in his car. He is not able to drive properly. He heard Sunny's talk with Disha. His words are echoing in his ears. He meets with an accident.

At Disha's house

" Sunny, stop behaving like this. If any of them sees u like this they will doubt u."says Disha.

" but mom, I think Aryan has heard everything. I am not feeling good mom."says Sunny.

" bhai, let's have lunch. Come." says Prachi.

Suddenly Shahana get's a call. She tells something to everyone. They all rush to hospital.

" Sister, accident case, Patient name is Aryan Khanna. Which room is he in?" asks Shahana tensed.

" Ground floor, room number 20."replies sister.

They all rush to that room. Just then doctor comes out.

" doctor, what happened? How is he?"asks Shahana tensed.

" he is fine. Minor injuries. He gained conscious. Us these medicines for a week. He will recover soon."saying this doctor leaves from there.

Everyone goes inside. Aryan smiles seeing Shahana. She hugs him and cries.

" it's ok. I am fine. Don't cry..." he stops talking as soon as he sees Disha and Sunny.

" good to see u fine. Did any of u inform any family member about the accident?"asks Disha.

" no.."everyone replies in unsion.

" and I don't think it's needed. We will leave now."saying this Aryan tries to get down but stopped by Shahana.

Aryan was about to fall but Disha holds him. she makes him sit with Shahana's help.

" are u sure? I mean if u are feeling weak we can stay here." Says Shahana.

" no, I am fine. Let's go."replies Aryan.

" Aryan, I am so jealous seeing your love."says Ranbhir.

" then y don't u get married. Your girl is also back."says Aryan looking at Prachi. Everyone looks at Prachi making her feel awkward.

" I will pay the bill and come." Saying this Prachi leaves from there with Kiara.

In pharmacy

" hey, I wanted to speak with u but I couldn't get enough time." Says Kiara.

" is it about Ranbhir? I don't want to speak anything about it." Says Prachi.

" yes, and no. It's about Ranbhir and Rhea. " Says Kiara.

" Ranbhir and Rhea?" Asks Prachi sounding jealous.

" jealous? " asks Kiara.

" no"lies Prachi.

" stop lying . it's good to feel jealous. At least with this I got to know u love Ranbhir still just like he loves u. I want to speak about Ranbhir and u.He has gone through a lot for u. the best gift u can give him is yourself. I heard that u are just like your mother and I know your mother, she is the most amazing woman I have ever seen in my life. Her kindness, her love , her audacity is what she is. If u are just like her, then be bold and tell Ranbhir your feelings. If u don't say when u get the chance, u will regret it later." says Kiara to which Prachi keeps quiet.

" take your own time. But don't be too late." Saying this Kiara leaves from there.

Four of them reach Mehra mansion.

" Aryan, what happened to u? how did u get hurt?"asks Pragya as soon as she sees him.

Everyone gets alerted on hearing this.

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