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In Srinivasans house

Mishti and Shashank gets shocked Rhea and Ishaan together. It is same with Rhea and Ishaan too.

" what is going on? Why aren't u speaking anything? Where is Ishaan?" shouts Sunny on phone.

With his mouth opened, Shashank shows Rhea and Ishaan on video call.

" Ishaan and Rhea!" tells a shocked Sunny.

Hearing this Disha, Shahana, Kiara comes towards the phone and they also gets shocked seeing Rhea and Ishaan. Kiara remembers Rhea's words before the concert about Rhea loving someone. She thinks that Ishaan is the same guy whom Rhea loves and smiles a bit.

" what are u guys doing here?" asks Ishaan gathering a little bit of courage.

" what? U are asking me this question after I find u with a girl in ur room?" asks Shashank after coming out of trance.

" Rhea di, what are u doing here?" asks Mishti angrily as she remembers the things she has done to Ranbhir and Kohli family.

" It's just nothing . there is nothing to explain." Tells Ishaan.

" but I need an explanation." Tells Sunny on phone.

Ishaan and Rhea gets shocked seeing Sunny and others on phone.

" Di,...." Says Rhea as she sees Kiara and gets emotional.

" I wanna talk to u. meet me at the Coffee point in one hour. " tells Kiara. Kiara cuts the call immediately without giving a chance to Rhea for any explanation.

" why did u cut the call? If she doesn't come, what will u do?" asks Sunny.

" she will come. I know her. She is my sister." Tells Sunny.

" what? Ur sister?" asks Sunny.

" I mean I considered her my sister but I don't know why, I feel a strong bond with her. And I was able to understand her very well. I know her. Trust me, she will come. I will leave now." Saying this Kiara was about to leave but Sunny holds her.

" I will also come with u. u need me." says Sunny.

" it's fine I can manage. " replies Kiara.

" u r my friend and I know u well. U clearly need me. " saying this he pulls her hand and take her out to which Disha and Shahana smile.

At Srinivasns house

" Hey, there is no need for u to go...." Says Ishaan.

" no, I wanna go. " tells Rhea.

" but... why?" asks Ishaan.

" I don't know, but I just can't refuse di's words. My heart is not allowing me to do so. I know I sound a bit stupid but, I feel a strong bond with her. I just feel after my mother she is the one who understands me and loves me a lot. I wanna go. I will leave now." Saying this she was about to leave.

" I want Ishaan to come with me. shall I ask him? " Thinks Rhea.

" wait, I will bring the keys," saying this Ishaan goes to get keys to which Rhea smiles.

In the car

" why are u so nervous?" asks Ishaan.

" I don't know what di will ask, and what should I answer to her questions." Replies Rhea.

" if u want we can just turn the car and go back..." tells Ishaan to which Rhea disagrees.

" I don't know what she would have thought by seeing us together. I just hope she didn't get any wrong ideas. It is so embarassing." Tells Rhea and she suddenly feels a jerk as Ishaan applies a sudden break.

" what happened?" asks Rhea.

" we reached." Replies Ishaan.

" oh, ok." Saying this Rhea was about to get down but Ishaan pulls her towards him.

" Ishaan, what are u doing?" tells Rhea.

" what sort of wrong ideas do u think ur sister would have got. And I never thought it was so embarassing for u to stay with me." tells Ishaan.

" no, it's not like that," Rhea get interrupted by Ishaan.

" then how it is? It was so clear in ur voice that u were quite disappointed to stay with me." says Ishaan.

" no, it's not like that. I feel so happy and great to stay with u. I feel so safe and secured. I really wish this could be lifetime. " Rhea stops talking as she suddenly realizes what she said.

Rhea looks at Ishaan shyly whose eyes are twinkling with happiness for what Rhea has said. He holds her palm and pulls her more towards him. Rhea closes her eyes. He gives her a warming kiss on her forehead to which Rhea smiles. Rhea opens her eyes and they share an eyelock. There eyelock gets broken by someone who taps on their car's window pane.

" di?" saying this Rhea quickly removes her seatbelt and gets down.

Ishaan also quickly gets down and sees Sunny on his side and gives an awkward smile to him.

" u guys are in public area. It was us, so u were saved, if any police would have seen u being so cozy in the car, then instead of meeting u at the café, we would have met u in the police station." Tells Sunny.

Ishaan and Rhea turn red with shyness.

" it's not like that. It's...."Rheas tops talking on seeing Ishaan as she was unable to speak on seeing him as she remembers their moment.

" ok fine, that's enough. Let's go inside." Saying this Kiara and remaining three of them goes inside.

At Disha's house

Shahana gets a message from Aryan telling her that he is coming to pick up to which Shahana disagrees. She tells him that she will come by herself. She tells him that she will meet him at home.

" maasi, I should leave now. I have some work. " saying this Shahana was about to leave but Disha stops her.

" I know all the things about Alia was so much for u to take in. don't think too much about whatever I said u. Aryan is a good guy and he loves u a lot. Don't tell all this to him and let any harm come to ur relationship. Concentrate on ur relationship with him. Just don't let that Alia come in between u. u will always have my blessings and support. " saying this Disha blesses her.

Shahana agrees and leaves.

At the café

" di? U wanted to meet me. why?" asks Rhea.

" let's order first. Waiter, one cappuchino, and what about u guys?" asks Kiara.

" cappuchino for me too." Replies Sunny.

" one cream cold coffee." Tells Ishaan.

" one butterscotch milk shake." Says Rhea.

The waiter takes the order and leaves.

"di? Now at least can u tell me? " asks Rhea.

" I will not say anything. I will show to u. probably, u know this." Saying this Kiara plays the video of Rhea's confession.

Rhea gets shocked knowing that Kiara knows what she has done. Tears starts rolling down Rhea's eyes.

" I know what I have done was wrong. I am sorry. Do u also hate me, di?" asks Rhea.

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