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Inside Mehra mansion

Ranbhir is searching for Prachi to explain her but he finds Shahana. He comes to Shahana and asks about Prachi. Shahana remembers engagement incident and asks angrily "why? U want her to invite for your haldi, mehendi and wedding?" Ranbhir who is already in tension asks her "Shahana, I am already in tension. Tell me where is Prachi . I have to speak to her." Just then Aryan comes there and tries to calm Shahana. But Shahana replies angrily "you are asking as if you have done something correct. No not asking, u are demanding. Let me tell u I know where she is but I will not tell u." Ranbhir asks "okay fine I will search her by myself." And when he is about to leave Shahana holds his collar and asks him "U have chosen your mother between Prachi and your mother. Then why do you want to follow her. Let her cry alone atleast.". Ranbhir replies "Shahana, I know it is my fault i.e why I want to rectify it". Shahan asks "rectify? How will u rectify it? Will u marry her? no right. U know what it wasn't your fault. It was my fault. I thought u truly loved her and helped u in gaining her trust and love. I thought u will always stand by her no matter what happens. I am a stupid to believe that a play boy and a flirt like u can love someone truly and stand by her till the end of your life." She is still holding his collar. Kohils who comes there sees that sight. Pallavi gets angry and slaps Shahana. Everyone gets shocked. Ranbhir and Aryan feel bad. Ranbhir is about to say something but is stopped by Pallavi. She speaks to Shahana "Middle class people like u are hired to work for us not to hold our collars. You are related to Abhi's family that is is why I stopped myself with a slap or else". Pallavi signs Shahana to leave. She leaves from there crying. Aryan follows her. Vikram asks "Pallavi, why did u slap her? Any sister in her place would react in the same way if her sister's heart is broken." Pallavi replies "Her sister tried to ruin my son's life. What about that? Anyways my son didn't do anything wrong. So how dare she behaves with him like that? A girl who is not fit to standing infront of us held my son's collar". Saying this he leaves from there. Ranbhir gets angry at Pallavi but remembers doctor's words and keeps quiet.

Shahana remembers how she and Prachi used to be treated by Kohlis and remembers how Pallavi slapped her. A tear rolls down from her eye which is held by Aryan. She looks at him. Aryan wipes her tears and holds her face. Her cheek is covered by her hair. He pushes her hair backward and sees her cheek red. He slowly moves his hand on her cheek. Shahana feels good and closes her eyes but suddenly cries "ouch". Aryan asks "does it pain?". Shahana nods. He takes an ointment from his pocket and applies it on her cheek. Prachi comes there and sees them but they don't notice her. Aryan says "I know u felt bad for Pallavi aunty slapping u and on Ranbhir, for not responding that's because... ". Shahana interrupts his talk and says "I know. But I expect answers from Ranbhir.That is why I was confronting him." Prachi understands what has happened and decides to confront Ranbhir and leaves from there. While leaving she pushes a vase by mistake and it falls. Prachi doesn't care but Aryan and Shahana notices and understands that Prachi has heard everything. They follow her to stop her. But she leaves very fast.

Inside Kohli house

Everyone are sitting and relaxing themselves in living room except Dadi and Ranbhir. Ranbhir is in his room thinking about Prachi. Prachi comes there angrily and shouts "RANBHIR KOHLI." Everyone gets scared. Vikram gets tensed. Pallavi comes there and asks Prachi "What are u doing here? What do u want from my son?" Prachi ignores her and continues to call Ranbhir. Pallavi holds Prachi's hand and tries to throw her out. Prachi frees hersef from Pallavi's clutches and gives her a ferocious look. Pallavi gets scared and moves back. Ranbhir who heard her voice comes down. Meanwhile Shahana and Aryan also comes there. They also get tensed. Ranbhir comes forward and tries to explain whatever has happened and says "Prachi, ..". Before he could say anything he feels a tight slap with a blasting sound on his cheek. Everyone gets shocked and cups their mouth.

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