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After Kiara and Sunny's wedding, everyone returned to Delhi. Khannas, Kohlis and Mehras are staying together. All the married couples are happy. But everyone miss Rhea a lot. Srinivasans are still living in Mumbai. Ishaan is taking care of everyone and tries to be happy as promised to Rhea. He visits her every month in jail.

After 2 years

In Delhi

" so, everyone ready?" asks Abhi.

" papa,everyone has come. Only maa is left." Says Prachi.

" what? U guys go and arrange the luggage in the car. I will go and get Pragya." Saying this Abhi goes to his room.

In Abhigya's room

" Pragya, what are u still doing here?we are getting late for the flight." Saying this Abhi enters the room.

He sees a lost Pragya with a saree in her hands.

" Imagining Rhea's wedding?" asks Abhi placing his hand on Pragya's shoulder.

" [chuckles] hmm. It's been 2 years. Tomorrow she will return home. And then she will get married to Ishaan. Our three daughters will be married." Says Pragya laying her head on Abhi's chest.

" yes, then we can live without any tension. But in order that to happen, we should go to Mumbai. So, we should leave now." Says Abhi.

Everyone leave to Mumbai.

Next day

Ranbhir, Abhi, Sunny, Shashank and Ishaan went to pickup Rhea.

" so Is everything ready?" asks a tensed Pragya.

" yess...." Replies Prachi.

" what is this? U haven't arranged this properly." Says Pragya.

" mumma... relax.please." says Kiara.

" maa, we know Rhea is coming back today. And everything is perfect. Please don't be tensed. " says Prachi.

Prachi's phone rings.

" hello, Ranbhir. Did u guys pick up Rhea? When will u come?" asks Prachi.

Everyone gathers around her. Suddenly Prachi's face expression changes. Her face is left dumbstruck by some news.

" ok. I will handle everyone here." Saying this Prachi cuts the call.

" what happened? what did Ranbhir say?Did they pickup Rhea? When are they coming?" asks Pragya.

"maaa....o.. Rhea....." drags Prachi.

"what happened to Rhea?" asks Pragya holding Prachi tightly.

" Rhea isn't in jail." Replies Prachi.

" what do u mean by she isn't there? Today is her release day, right?" asks Shahana.

"haa, yes. Rhea left before everyone reached there." Says Prachi.

" what..? where could she go? " says Pragya.

" mumma relax. I am sure wherever she is she would be safe and she will return home. If not for us, she will return for Ishaan. She promised him. Didn't she? She will come. Trust me." says Kiara.

" ok, I and Shahana will also go and search for Rhea." Says Aryan.

" wait, we will also come. " says Pragya.

But after many arguments Pragya gets convinced and stays back.

Everyone starts searching for Rhea separately. Meanwhile , Ishaan gets a phone call from his friend that he found Rhea in a temple. Ishaan quickly goes to the temple. He gets relieved on finding Rhea there who is praying. She finishes praying and turns to find the love of her life standing in front of her.

" Ishaan?" says Rhea and she gets hugged by him immediately.

They share an emotional hug. They remember their moments.

" ishaan? U ok?" asks Rhea.

Ishaan immediately breaks the hug and starts scolding her.

" what do u mean by I am ok? We all have been going mad since morning by searching for u. did u know how worried we were? " scolds Ishaan.

" ishaan relax. Come here." Saying this she takes him aside.

" eat this ." saying this she feeds him the offering.

" and now listen to me. I thought of coming home directly. But I wanted to visit temple and take god's blessings. My previous life was bad but I want everything to be better from now. So, I have come here to pray. I was about to come home, but you found me here. Sorry, for making u tensed, but it wasn't my attention." Says Rhea quickly before Ishaan could say anything.

" but still... u could have just waited. We both would have come to temple." Says Ishaan.

" but even now same thing happened. see, we are in temple, together." Says Rhea smiling making Ishaan also to smile.

Ishaan asks everyone to come home without telling that he found out about Rhea.

At Srinivasan house

" Bhai, why did u ask us to come home? We haven't found anything about Rhea yet." Says Shashank.

" it's not needed anymore." Replies Ishaan.

" what do u mean?" asks Ranbhir.

Ishaan smiles and looks towards his left. Rhea comes from behind. Everyone gets surprised on seeing her. Pragya immediately hugs her emotionally. Abhi, Kiara and Prachi also hugs her. They welcome her. Ishaan tells where Rhea was found and explains why she was at the temple. Everyone gets angry at first but forgives Rhea. Everyone gets excited as Abhi asks everyone to plan for Rhea and Ishaan's engagement.

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