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At Mehra mansion

In Purab's room

Alia's pov

" I am not going to leave that Shahana. How dare she spoils all my plans? And this Aryan, how dare he goes against me? I accepted another woman's son just for my benefits. I will not let this humiliation go so easily. I will destroy their lives. "

" u didn't bless them?" says Purab who has just come there

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" u didn't bless them?" says Purab who has just come there.

" I didn't want to." Says Alia curtly.

" of course, for a woman who always speaks bad and curses others, it would be very difficult to bless even if it is her own child. Isn't it?" asks Purab increasing Alia's anger.

" Purab..." Alai gets topped by Purab.

" I know what u are thinking? Don't u dare think that your dirty plans will succeed this time. U have ruined my life. I lost one son. But I will not let u ruin Aryan's life. He got his happiness, his true love and I will do everything to make sure that his happiness doesn't get ruined by a cruel woman like u, even if I have to become what I am not." warns Purab.

" Purab.. "shouts Alia.

Purab splashes water on her face and pours the remaining water on her head.

" looks like u are burning with anger and jealousy. Something that can help u to cool u down."saying this he goes smiling to change his clothes.

Rhea is scurrying in her room thinking about what happened.

Rhea's pov

" Prachi is back. She hasn't revealed the truth yet but it doesn't mean she will not. What to do? Everyone would have slept. I must go and talk to her now." Rhea leaves to Prachi's room.

In kitchen

Ranbhir's pov

" Prachi didn't eat anything after she came back. She must be hungry. I will take dinner for her and I will be able to speak with her too."

He takes the food to prachi's room.

Rhea knocks the guest room. Prachi opens the door.

" Rhea? What are u doing here?" asks Prachi.

" shouldn't I be the one asking this?" saying this Rhea enters into the room.

" Rhea, I know u are angry with me. trust me, I didn't want to return. If it wasn't for Shahana being helpless I would have never revealed myself." Says Prachi.

" shut up. First, that Shahana got married to Aryan and ruined booji's happiness. Well, I should learn seducing techniques from u? U even tried for Ishaan.how u and that Shahana are able to seduce rich boys so easily?" says Rhea.

" Shut up rhea..."saying this Prachi raises her hand but stops herself.

"I know how cunning u are. Shahana is just an excuse. U wanted dad to find u right? If u really wanted to be not founded then u would have never come to Aryan's wedding." argues Rhea.

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