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At the venue

Kiara goes to meet Sunny. She knocks the door to enter. As no one replies she enters inside and she looks at the clothes arranged in an order to the hangers. She gets impressed with the costumes. She pics a dress to try. She goes to trial room to check. As soon as she goes inside the trial room , Sunny comes there. He hears sounds from trial room he picks up a plastic handler and slowly moves to ambush the person as soon as he/ she comes out of trial room. Kiara comes outside. As soon as she comes out Sunny wraps his one hand one her waist to hold her and the other on her mouth to keep her shut and pins her to the wall he makes her turn to face her and gets shocked seeing her.

" u?" Sunny shouts.

" u?" Kiara screams.

" what are u doing here ?" Both say in unison.

" what? U are asking me what I am doing in my own cabin?" asks Sunny.

" So what if it's your.... What? Your cabin? You are the costume designer?"

" Yes. And u? U are the girl Ishaan told?"

Both gets shocked and say in unison " OH,MY GOD." Both of them gets pissed off. Kiara tries the dresses but doesn't understand what to choose.

Kiara's pov

" Though this fellow is an arrogant, dumb-head, he is talented. The clothes he designed are great. They are so great that I am confused which one to wear."

" what are u thinking so much? Choose one ?" scrowls Sunny

" The clothes u designed are so... average. And I am trying to search for the best one among them." Kiara lies without seeing Sunny as she was bout to say that they are great.

" Average? U are the first person to say that in my entire career. That's because of your medicore intelligence. Anyways I don't have time to waste with u. Do u want any help?" asked Sunny.

" I don't want to take the opinion of the person who attacked me and didn't even apologize." replies Kiara sternly.

Hearing this Sunny remembers the incident and feels bad.

" I will call someone who can help u in choosing." Saying this Sunny leaves from there to bring Prachi. He says it with a bit of guilt in voice which didn't go unnoticed by Kiara. She feels bad for saying such harsh words to him. Sunny brings Prachi over there for choosing clothes for Kiara. But Kiara who is still in trance doesn't notice Prachi. Prachi who was in hurry choses a dress for her and leaves from there. After Prachi leaves, Sunny comes to Kiara.

" Hey, my sister chose this for u, did u like it? Hello, what's wrong with u?" he jolts her to bring her out of trance.

" what? What happened?" asks Kiara.

" where were u lost? My sister came here. She came to chose dress for u. she chose this." Replies Sunny.

" what? Your sister? U have a sister? I didn't notice her. I never knew Purab sir had a daughter too. Any ways, I like the dress chosen by your sister. She has a good taste unlike u. " Kiara mocks Sunny.

" she is my sister, but I never told she is Purab Khanna's daughter. I have two god-gifted sisters. Everyone won't be related with blood, some can be related by love. And all these dresses are designed by me, including the one in our hands. So if u like it, then u like my choice. U lied my designs were average , right?" Sunny cleverly replies to Kiara.

Kiara smiles.

" can I ask u something, Mr...." says Kiara.

" Sunny, My name is Sunny. And go ahead. Ask ?"

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