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In Mehra mansion

Purab brings Disha out of the house. Disha thanks him.

While she was about to leave Purab asks her " why did u come?"

Disha remembers that she has completely forgotten the purpose she has come here.

" I came here to meet di and jiju."

" why?"

" Bcoz..... I have seen Prachi. "

Purab gets shocked.

In Mehra mansion

Kiara is still thinking about her fight with Sunny. She scolds him but she feels little happy thinking about him. Suddenly Abhi shouts at her.

" Arya .... What are u doing? Have u lost interest in singing? U are singing out of tune."

Kiara comes back to her senses. Tears starts rolling from her eyes but not bcoz she felt bad but bcoz she felt like she got scolded by someone close to her. Pragya hears Abhi shouting and comes running there. She sees Kiara getting tears from her eyes. Pragya scolds Abhi which leads to bickering.

Kiara smiles and thinks " there is so much love between them but they cover it with anger."

Pragya and Abhi see Kiara and stop fighting.

Both ask in unison "Is something funny going on here?"

Kiara comes towards them and places Pragya's hand in Abhi's hand which shocks Pragya and Abhi and says " u both are made for each other."

Saying this she pushes them towards each other which leads to a hug between them. Both Abhi and Kiara gets tears in their eyes. They have an eye lock. Kiara giggles. They come out of their trance and together Abhi and Pragya hug Kiara.

Aliya sees them and thinks " I should kick this girl out as soon as possible or else she will bring bhai and Pragya very close which leads to my downfall."

In office quarters

Shahana gets shocked hearing Prachi's relevation.

" What Ranb....Ranbhir.... No Prachi u might be hallucinating as u still lov..."

" I wasn't hallucinating Shahana it was really him. Now I don't know what to do. Why is he here? Is my family also here? If they are here they will definitely search for me''

" But Prachi nobody knows that we are alive then how can they search for us?"

" One person knows. Disha maasi..."

Shahana gets shocked.

In Mehra mansion

Purab says " what did u say? U saw Prachi? But..."

" Yes I have seen Prachi. She is alive. She is completely fine. I have seen her with my naked eyes. Trust me, Purabji. I should reveal this to di and jiju.."

Whie she was about to leave Purab stops her and says " we can't reveal it to them right now."

" But why Purab ji.."

" Bcoz if di and Abhi gets to know that Prachi is alive they will inform police and media. Then Prachi will also get to know that her parents are searching for her. Then she will runaway again."

" Runaway?"

Purab reveals everything about Ranbhir and Prachi to Disha.

" As Prachi felt that Ranbhir has cheated on her , she left. Now also she don't know the truth so she will definitely run away."

" Then we will ask di and jiju not to do any such things."

" No Disha, parents who gets their child whom they thought they lost, then.. their happiness is unbounded. In that excitement they will not think anything. And u have seen Prachi but we know nothing about her whereabouts. It would be difficult to prove us that she is alive. No one will believe us. And Rhea.. Rhea is behaving normally after Prachi left and still wants to marry Ranbhir. If Ranbhir gets to know Prachi is alive then he will immediately marry her and Rhea will go back to her old self. So we should handle the situation carefully."

Disha nods.

Purab feels very happy and he hugs Disha out of happiness. Disha also reciprocate to that hug.

Aryan comes out and sees them hugging each other.

In Srinivasans house

Vikram asks Mishti why is she crying?

She says that she is crying out of happiness as she is getting married. She feels bad for lying to her father and hugs him and cries bitterly Vikram understands that the reason for Mishti's tears is something else an decides to find out.

In Srinivasans office

Ishaan was unable to concentrate on the work as Rhea was full of his mind.

" This mysterious girl has driven me mad."

Just then he sees Rhea at the door step.

" Rhea .... What are u doing here?"

" That..... Ishaan, dad has sent some file with me to give u. "

Ishaan takes the file and observes that she hasn't left yet and asks her if she needs anything.

" Why ? Can't I stay here without any reason?"

" Nothing like that but I know u are lying to me. U are not here just to give me the file."

" Looks like u too can study me"

" Me too?"

" Other than my mom no one has understood me without me telling anything. Well, u are right. My mood is spoiled due to an idiot. So I just want to keep myself occupied to forget it. "

" Mine too. "

Just then an employee comes and call Ishaan to discuss something.

" Rhea, u have good idea regarding the stylish wear for women. Actually my friend is the costume designer for our event. U wanted some distraction to lift up your mood right? U are good at all these costume stuffs. So why don't u go and help him out. "

" Sure Ishaan."

Rhea leaves with Ishaan to meet Sunny.


Author's note: Sorry for the delay. Actually I am preoccupied with my studies. Too many assignments and have exams in 2 weeks. So I will not be able to update regularly but I will definitely update. Hope u understand.

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