Gone- Shives

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"Stand down soldier! Get on your knees!" Fox yelled. Shaak Ti stood behind the red and white armor of the Coruscant Guard as Fives pleaded with the trooper.

"No! Stay back!" Fives yelled in reply. He eyed the twin pistols Rex had set down earlier and reached for them. 

"Don't do it! Don't do it, soldier!" Fox shouted as Fives picked one up and aimed. Shaak inahled sharply, her hand resting on her lightsaber.

"Fives!" Shaak yelled, pushing past the clones to get to him. But it was too late. Fox had already pulled the trigger on his gun. The blue laser shot through Fives's chest and he slowly fell to the ground. Shaak caught him, aware of the tears streaming down her cheeks. "Please, Fives. Stay with me Fives," she begged desperately.

"Get this ray shield down!" Skywalker ordered as Fox fired on the generator. Rex stood behind Shaak as Fox took off his helmet and stared at what he had just done. But everything else blurred into the background as Shaak's eyes focused on Fives.

"Shaak," Fives whispered hoarsely. "Please listen. I-It's bigger than all of us. I only wanted to do my duty."

"Oh, Fives," Shaak whispered, gently resting her hand on his cheek. She felt him slipping away in the Force and she cried harder. She took his hand and held it tightly. "No, Fives. Don't go! Please...." she trailed off as the life drained out of him. His hand slipped out of hers and fell to the ground. 

"Master Ti," Skywalker said, resting a hand on her shoulder, and she pushed it away, not even bothering to hold back her tears.

"Leave me," she snapped as the others left her with Fives's body. She could here them calling for several others to meet them at their coordinates, but drowned them out.

"Why Fives?" she asked softly. "Why you? Why did it have to be the only person I loved?" Tears rolled down her cheeks and she wiped them away with the back of her hand. She let out a wail as only a Togruta could and kissed Fives's already-cold forehead. Shaak placed his hands over his stomach so he almost looked peaceful. 

"Goodbye, Fives," she whispered. "I love you."

--Order 66--

--The Jedi Temple--

Jedi Master Shaak Ti could hear the boots of the clone troopers echoing through the sacred Jedi Temple. They were killing the Jedi. Everything Fives had said was true. She silently cursed herself for not believing him the first time. 

She would not run. She would not kill the clones like the other Jedi. She knew it was the inhibitor chips and she knew that it wasn't their fault. As she sat in her quarters, peacefully meditating for what would most likely be the last time, she knew the war was over. With the Jedi Order gone, the Separatists would win or some new power would rise. Either way, she would not be around to see it. And she did not want to. She wanted to be with the other fallen Jedi, the only family she had ever known. 

Shaak heard the clones and someone else enter the hall near her quarters. She bowed her head, closing her eyes and preparing for her inevitable fate. She could not run, even if she wanted to. The door slid open and she sensed three clone troopers and Anakin Skywalker. She had known that it was him, as she could sense it through the Force. 

"Find the others," Skywalker ordered. "I'll deal with her myself." His voice was filled with hatred as Shaak sensed the dark side taking over him. It would be only a short time before he was consumed entirely. She still did not move a muscle.

"The Jedi Order ends now," Skywalker declared, igniting his blue saber. "I will kill you and all of the others," he hissed, raising the saber to strike.

"The Jedi will never be gone, Skywalker," she said, serene as ever. "You can never kill us all and you never will."

"But I will kill you!" Skywalker yelled in anger, running his saber through her. The last thing she felt before she died was pure peace and the arms of Fives wrapping around her.

"I love you too," he whispered as she joined him in the Force. A flash of white light took over her vision as she threw her arms around him and was with her beloved, and she knew she was finally where she was meant to be. Her home was not in the Jedi Temple or Kamino, it was beside the one person who made everything right for her. It was beside Fives.

A/N: I know this one is really short, but I thought that Fives's story was sad and that Shaak Ti was killed in the Jedi Temple. I just wanted their stories' to have a happy ending for both of them. 

Question: Who's better: R2-D2 or BB-8 or Chopper?


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