Attachments ~ Rexsoka

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Yet another Rexsoka. Please comment ideas/ requests! Spoilers for Mandalorian S2 E5 "The Jedi" (just in case you haven't seen it!) The dialogue may not be accurate.

Ahsoka Tano slashed the pair of white lightsabers she wielded as she walked through Corvus's forest. The red blasts sent by the Magistrate's personal guard did nothing to affect her. She easily deflected them and disappeared into the cloak of darkness. She looked around the forest, waiting for the blue shots that signaled Rex's presence. But she saw none. What if he was- no. she cut off the strand of thoughts as she ducked behind a tree and shoved out a section, knocking down one of the masked guards. She extinguished her sabers as the tree crashed down in front of her. 

She cut down the small remained of the guards easily and was about to head back to her camp, when she heard the voice of the Magistrate. 

"Show yourself, Jedi," she hissed. Ahsoka turned and removed the hood from her montrals and ignited both sabers. "I've been expecting you."

Ahsoka fought back a growl and said, "Then you know what I want."

"Do I?" asked the Magistrate, as she whispered something to her head guard. "The information or him?"

Two droids dragged out a bruised and bloody man with short blonde hair. Dressed in armor. Rex. He glowered at the woman with hatred radiating off him in the Force and anger in his bright amber eyes. 

Ahsoka inhaled sharply. Wasn't this her worst fear? The one person she loved to taken away from her. 

"How much is the intel I possess worth to you? One life? His life? How about a hundred? The lives of the citizens mean nothing to me. And now, because of you, they will suffer," the woman said smugly. 

Rex tried to speak, but the Magistrate placed the silver spear's tip at his throat. Ahsoka swallowed back all of her emotions and said confidently, "They already suffer under your rule. Surrender, or face the consequences." The Magistrate said nothing. "You have two days to decide."

Ahsoka turned and extinguished the white blades, slipping into the shadows. I'm coming back for you, Rex. she vowed. I promise. 

---One day later---

"These are the coordinates," Din Djarn, known as Mando to most, said. The forest was scorched, only thin, leafless trees remaining. "Keep your eyes open," he said to the Child, who was being carried in a brown cloth sling. The Jedi was supposed to be here. 

Concerned for the kid's safety, he set the small green child on a rock. There was a crunch behind him and he immediately looked around. He looked through the visor of the beskar helmet and saw only large Corvus-native animals. "False alarm," he reassured the Child. 

 There was a yell and a bright flash of white light from above as a female Togruta leapt from the trees, two blazing white swords of energy in her gloved hands. Mando barely had time to defend himself with the beskar wrist plates as the sabers smashed down on the silver metal. Thankfully, they protected him. 

The Togruta slashed sideways and then up, as Mando could feel the beskar heating up. He went on the offensive and shot a spurt of fire at the woman, who cartwheeled out of her long brown cloak to avoid it. He shot the cord from his wrist and it wrapped around the Togruta. She sent him a smirk and glanced upwards.

Mando barely had time to look up before the woman leapt up and over a tree branch, taking him with her. He just manage to slice the cord and land, before removing his blaster. He readied as the woman held her swords in a defensive stance. 

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