Reunited Version II ~ Rexsoka

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A/N: This is another version of "Reunited" that I wrote a while ago, but without Anidala or Obitine, just Rex and Ahsoka. Also, Palpatine does not come back to life. 

Rex stood aboard the rebel command ship above the forest moon of Endor. The celebration had lasted for the night after the defeat of the Emperor and the destruction of the second Death Star. Now the rebels were calm, talking on the Mon Calamari command ship. Luke Skywalker, who helped defeat Vader and the Emperor was talking with his sister, Leia Organa, and the pilot Han Solo. Rex smiled to himself- the boy was just like his father, Anakin Skywalker and his mother, Padme Amidala. He could command armies like the Jedi Knight and use his words to empower others like the Naboo senator. 

Ahsoka would have loved to meet Luke and Leia and see what they had become. Rex sighed. She's gone. he told himself sadly. Not coming back. 

The former clone captain rested his head on his hands as he fiddled with the armor on his wrists. The message written by Ahsoka before his mission to Umbara. I'm always with you. Love, Ahsoka. He gently traced it with a gloved finger as he remembered her. 

Snippy, overconfident, and had clearly taken Obi-Wan's sense of sarcasm and sass after several months of training. He smiled as he remembered Ahsoka's conversation with General Skywalker. 

"Sir I thought you said you'd never have a Padawan."

"There's been a mix-up- the youngling isn't with me."

"Stop calling me that! You're stuck with me, Skyguy."

But what he remembered most about the striking young Padawan after their brief conversation, were her eyes. The brightest blue that sparkled when the light hit them right. She was kind to the clones and treated them more like humans than soldiers. She accepted them as her new family. It was what made Rex fall in love with her. 

As he was lost in thought, the Mon Calamari Admiral Ackbar spoke. "We have an incoming A-Wing approaching us. Their clearance match the codes of the earliest days of the Rebellion," Ackbar said in his loud voice. 

"Let them aboard. I sense someone powerful with the Force aboard that fighter," Luke said, standing up. Rex's heart lifted for a moment. Leia followed her brother towards the docking bay.

"Kid, mind if I tag along?" Rex asked him before he left. 

"The more the better, Captain," Luke replied as the ship docked. 

"Stupid old ship," muttered an angry, almost familiar  voice. "Trace should have named you trash. That stupid speeder was better than this." A figure dressed in a violet dress, leggings with a belt around her waist that two lightsabers dangled from walked into the passageway. 

A Togruta. 

Tears of joy clouded Rex's vision as the person began to run quicker. Ahsoka leapt into Rex's open arms, wrapping her legs around him. Rex staggered back. "Ahsoka, you're heavy, you know that," he whispered as she dropped her legs but still clung to him. 

"Getting too hard, old man?" chuckled Ahsoka as she buried her face into Rex's neck. 

"Don't play that card with me, little one." Rex laughed, gently stroking her back lekku. 

Ahsoka shook off his remark and breathed, "My Captain." Her voice was filled with joy. 

He pulled her close and whispered back, "My Soka."

Luke coughed, interrupting the reunion between the two. "So, how do you two know each other?" he asked, obviously confused. 

"Luke, this is Ahsoka Tano. Soka, this is Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa," Rex introduced them. Ahsoka let out a soft gasp of recognition. 

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Leia asked. "You seem familiar."

"I knew your father. I think you were in the palace when I met with him to talk about joining the Rebellion," Ahsoka said, twisting her lekku around her finger. "Yes, you were. You must have been around five years old. Leia Padme Organa-Skywalker. Well, of course, your mother actually named you Leia Ahsoka Skywalker, but only told her husband and myself."

"Do you know me?" Luke asked, now extremely interested. 

"I knew someone like you. Anakin Skywalker- he was my master," Ahsoka said softly. Her voice was filled pain. 

"He was my father," Luke said. "But I didn't know he had a Padawan. Obi-Wan never mentioned you and he and Master Yoda taught me."

"I used to be Anakin's Padawan, but I left the Jedi Order. However, I knew your mother as well. We all knew about Skyguy's relationship with Padme, you mother." Ahsoka laughed lightly. 

"What was she like?" Luke asked.

"She was the former queen of Naboo. She was firmly committed to peace and then served in the Galactic Senate. She defended me before the Senate during my trail and was one of my best friends. She loved Anakin so much, but was killed just as the Empire rose," Ahsoka said sadly. "She could influence the minds of thousands and was a voice for the people of the Republic."

"Skyguy? You called my father that?" Leia asked in surprise as Luke opened his mouth to talk. "Did he have a nickname for you too?"

Ahsoka went silent and Rex said, "Don't deny it, Snips." He nudged her shoulder lovingly and she blushed furiously. 

"So how do you know each other?" asked Luke.

"Rex and I served under your father in the Clone Wars. It was an.... interesting time," Ahsoka said carefully. Rex let out a chuckle. 

"Interesting is one word to describe it," he said, pulling her close.

Ahsoka blushed again. "C'mon, Luke," Leia said, smiling slyly and dragging her brother away. "You can talk to Ahsoka later. Let's give the two lovebirds some privacy."

The twins left the pair alone, walking back into the main part of the cruiser. Ahsoka smiled and wrapped her arms around Rex's neck, pressing her lips to his as he melted into the kiss. They broke off the kiss and pressed their foreheads together.

Ahsoka smiled and closed her eyes. "I told you I'd find you one day," she whispered. 

"I never doubted you for a moment,  love," he breathed, holding her. "And I never will." 

They held each other close, together at last. 

A/N: Nothing to say, really. Which version did you like better? Feel free to comment thoughts or requests below. 

Who is worse and who is your favorite: Lux Bonteri, Rush Clovis, or Jar Jar Binks?

Jar Jar is my favorite out of all three, just because I hate Clovis and Lux more. I have to say I hate Lux more just because Clovis dies and we get to see Anakin beat him up. That was perhaps my favorite moment of season 6. 


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