Peace Part II~ Obitine, Anidala

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---Takes place two months after Part 1---

Anakin landed his ship smoothly on the landing platform outside the royal palace of Alderaan. His wife and two kids sat beside him in the Mandalorian craft as Obi-Wan and Korkie stood to exit. 

"Excellent landing, Anakin," Obi-Wan said as Padme adjusted Leia's hair for the twentieth time. Leia hated her hair being tied back into the two buns on her head, but Padme had insisted that she keep her hair up. Padme was always good at convincing people and surprisingly fine with compromising with her five-year-old daughter. 

"Aren't they always," Anakin said and picked Luke up. He ruffled his son's blonde hair and smiled at him. 

"I count good as not spiraling into the atmosphere of a planet towards what seems like my death," Obi-Wan clarified and Korkie grinned. Leia stuck her tongue out at the older boy. 

"Oh," Anakin said. His smiled dropped slightly. "Okay, kids, who wants to find Aunt Ahsoka?"

Leia cheered as Padme rolled her eyes. She had recently been in contact with Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan and Breha had told Padme that a family had moved in the middle of the war. Anakin was hoping it was Ahsoka, especially after he learned it was a Togruta. 

The senator of Alderaan, Bail Organa, greeted them as they exited. "Padme! So good to see you again, my friend," he said happily and embraced her. Padme happily returned the embrace. "Your children, I presume."

"Yes, Bail," Padme replied. "You know my husband, Anakin. These are our children, Luke and Leia Skywalker-Amidala." Leia smiled up at Bail as Luke buried himself in his dad's shoulder out of shyness. 

"Leia is going to be just like her mother, I'm sure," Bail said and noticed Obi-Wan. "Good to see you again, my friend."

Obi-Wan smiled and shook the senator's hand. "My son, Korkie Kenobi-Kryze. My daughter, Arla, is on Mandalore with my wife," he explained. 

Bail nodded as Breha walked elegantly onto the landing platform. The queen of Alderaan had her black hair braided in Alderaanian custom and was dressed in a dark blue dress and had a thin blue veil that covered her hair slightly. 

"So... the new family?" Anakin asked quickly. He was anxious. "I was hoping it would be my former Padawan's family. I haven't seen her in quite a long time."

Breha nodded. "They live in a large home near the palace, away from the city," the queen said in a regal tone that reminded Anakin of when he was just a boy and heard Queen Amidala speak to the Gungans. 

"Thank you, Your Highness," Anakin replied gratefully. "This mean so much to me." Breha bowed her head and nodded to the small grey transports. Anakin thanked her once again and hurried onto the transports. 

They arrived at the large house Breha had mentioned quickly thanks to the pilot, Captain Antilles. The house was large, around three stories in an Alderaanian style. It was a stunning view. You could see the snow-capped Appenza Peak and the other mountains and the rivers that flowed near the mountains. 

Anakin took a deep breath and knocked several times on the grey door. It opened and no one was there. Anakin's heart beat faster as he took Padme's hand. His wife squeezed it for reassurance. Laughter echoed from outside, male and female. The group hurried out to the soft grass where they spotted a family of four.

Two girls, one with white-blonde hair, the other with small blue and white montrals. Their mother, a Togruta, dressed in a white skirt and a white top with billowing sleeves and small flower designs, watched her family, rubbing a swollen stomach. Their father, a man dressed in simple clothing with short blonde hair, played with the two girls in the grass, laughing with them. 

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