---- This takes place around season 4 of the Clone Wars, not season 2. Ahsoka is in her season 3 outfit.----
Anakin stood next to Jedi Master Luminara Unduli as they focused, using the Force to lift the wreckage of the destroyed droid factory off what he hoped was his Padawan and Padawan Barriss Offee.
"Master?" came the soft voice of Barriss. Anakin could make out her figure that was clothed in grey and black.
"Barriss," Luminara said, helping her Padawan out of the sand-covered wreckage. Barriss stood by her master and brushed the dust off her dress and looked back down into the wreckage with wide blue eyes.
"Where's Ahsoka?" Anakin asked the Padawan.
"She's down there, trapped under the control panel of the tank," Barriss said, pointing.
"Help me!" Anakin said as the three Jedi used the Force to lift the final piece of wreckage off the small Togruta. He jumped down and gently pulled Ahsoka out of the destroyed tank. She was unconscious, long bloody scars on her bare arms and a clearly broken leg.
"Kix!" he yelled as he set Ahsoka on the ground, careful to make sure that she was as still as possible and making sure that she wasn't more wounded that she already was. "Kix!" he shouted again as the clone medic hurried over.
"Yes, General Skywalker?" Kix asked as he knelt beside Ahsoka.
"Get her to the nearest medical station immediately! Make sure she's okay, Kix. I'm trusting you with my Padawan's life, don't fail me," he snapped, before turning around sharply.
"Yes sir," Kix replied as he called another assistant medic to help him with the young Togruta as he set her onto a stretcher and dashed off to go help with Ahsoka's condition.
Anakin sighed as he sensed Luminara came up behind him. "Skywalker, you must be prepared to loose her. If it is what the Force wills, then it is what will be," she warned.
"I will not let her die!" Anakin said, facing the Jedi Master. "I don't care if the Force wills it, I say that she will survive! What about your Padawan? Would you loose her so easily?"
"It's not like that Skywalker," Luminara said.
"It's exactly like that!"
"If my Padawan had died, then I would have mourned her death, and celebrated her memory. But unlike you, when the time comes, I am prepared to let my student go. When the time for Ahsoka comes, will you say the same?" Luminara asked him, before sweeping away, her black dress whipping up the sand behind her.
Even though Anakin hated sand, but he sat down and put his head in his hands, wondering if what Luminara had said was true.
----Time skip to when Anakin goes to the medbay----
----The Resolute----
Anakin paced back and forth outside the medbay doors, waiting for anything from Kix on Ahsoka's condition. "Come on, Kix," he muttered. "Tell me something."
He could sense Ahsoka's presence in the Force, so he knew she was alive, but he didn't know if she was close to dying or whether she had made a full recovery. He tried to focus on her signature in the Force, hoping that he would be able to see where she was in the process of recovering.
The sound of the medbay doors sliding open jolted him out of his thoughts. "General Skywalker, Commander Tano is fully conscious and on her way to making a slow, but full recovery," Kix told the still-pacing Jedi Knight.
Clone Wars Ships One-shots
FanfictionJust random one-shots about my favorite clone wars ships. This is my first story, so please no hate. DISCLAIMER: I don't own Star Wars or its characters. No art is mine unless I say otherwise.