Reunited ~ Rexsoka, Anidala, and Obitine

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This takes place after the destruction of the second Death Star, when they are celebrating. Palpatine dies and does not come back later on. Also, non-Force users can have Force ghosts because the Force is created by all living things so they also can join the Force after  death and generate a Force ghost (yeah I know that makes no sense, but just go with it).


The Ewoks celebrated with the rebels as fireworks exploded in the sky and Rex had no doubt that millions of other worlds were rejoicing after the defeat of the Emperor and the entire Empire. But a sadness still was with him. He left the celebration and stood in a dark corner of the wooden structures built in the forest. The former clone captain sighed and looked at the bright colors flashing above the trees. 

"Ahsoka, where are you?" he asked the sky. He knew she hadn't died on Malachor, but he had no way of knowing where she even was. His last chance to find where his lost love was had been Ezra Bridger, but he had vanished with Grand Admiral Thrawn on the attack on Lothal. 

He looked down to see a small orange hand rest on his tan one. "I'm right beside you," whispered Ahsoka in his ear. He looked up to see her. She was dressed in a long white cloak and a white pole rested beside her. Tears off joy rolled down her cheeks as well as Rex's. 

The couple clung to each other, happy to be in each others arms again after so long. "You're alive," Rex managed through tears. "It's really you."

Ahsoka nodded, still clutching Rex tightly. He kissed the top of her head as they broke off the embrace. "I was trapped in the Sith Temple. Ezra found me and pulled me out of the past using a portal called the World Between Worlds- don't ask- and I found myself where I was when I was fighting Vader. I made my way back to you," she explained before he could say a word. "What happened here?"

"We saved Lothal, but Ezra disappeared to make sure that Thrawn didn't come back. He summoned the purgils and they went into hyperspace with Thrawn and Ezra still there. We freed Lothal and I joined the main part of the Rebellion. The Emperor and Vader were killed and the second Death Star was destoryed." Rex said.

"Vader's g-gone?" Ahsoka stammered, flinching. "What happened?"

Rex eyed her, confused. "I don't know. Luke Skywalker defeated them before escaping the Death Star," he said.

"Skywalker? Anakin had a son? Where is he?" Ahsoka asked quickly, whipping her head around to see. 

"Calm down, Soka," Rex said, resting a hand on her cheek. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes tightly. "What's going on?"

"When I was fighting Vader on Malachor, I knew it was Anakin. But it wasn't. He was consumed by anger, pain, hatred, and grief. The Sith had taken him and there was nothing I could do about it. But if Anakin's own son could turn him back to the light, then maybe it was Vader who destroyed the Sith," Ahsoka explained. 

"General Skywalker? How?" Rex asked, removing his from her cheek. Ahsoka gripped his hand tightly. 

"Love. Anakin and Padme were closer than friends. I fear that if something happened to her, than Anakin could have done something terrible to save her," she said.

"Ahsoka, I think we could wait until tomorrow. Let's just spend the night together, and just be grateful we're together again," he offered. Please please please. Rex thought hopefully. 

"Okay," Ahsoka sighed. Rex grinned, and she couldn't help but smile back. They stared at the sky and Ahsoka leaned in, before being abruptly cut off by a cough.

"Uh, Snips, what are you doing?" the Force ghost of Anakin Skywalker appeared behind them. 

Ahsoka's lekku darkened in a deep blush before her eyes widened in shock. "Master?" she exclaimed in surprise. 

"Ahsoka?" Anakin teased. "Duh it's me. Who else is this amazing?"

Rex grinned and Ahsoka couldn't help but giggle a little bit, before becoming serious. "How in the galaxy are you here?" she asked, her hand wrapping around her pole as Anakin held his hands up. 

"Well, I may or may not have married a certain Naboo senator and I had some visions that she was going to die in childbirth and I turned to the dark side to save her. But them Padme died and Palpatine controlled me in to doing horrible things and now I one hundred percent regret attacking you on Malachor- but your saber skills are looking amazing- and slaughtering the younglings. But Luke turned me back to light and I killed Palpatine, so I technically brought balance to the Force and destroyed the Sith," Anakin explained, grinning triumphantly. 

"After killing hundreds of rebels, destroying the Jedi Order, and trying to kill your own son?" Ahsoka asked, raising an eye marking.

"Uh... yes?" Anakin replied as Ahsoka smacked her forehead. Rex laughed again, placing an arm around Ahsoka as she tried to hide her laughter at her former master's response by burying her head in Rex's chest. 

"Hello there!" greeted another Force ghost. 

"General Kenobi," Rex replied, pulling Ahsoka out of his chest as she smiled. 

"So, Ahsoka, care to explain why you were about to kiss my captain?" Anakin said teasingly. Rex went pale as Ahsoka's lekku stripes went almost black. "Just kidding Snips, we all knew."

"Yeah, well we all knew about your relationship with Padme!" Ahsoka retorted snippily. 

Obi-Wan grinned and muttered something sassy to Anakin. "Well everyone knows that you and Satine are in love and that Korkie is your son!" Anakin snapped angrily. 

"Ani, don't be mean," said an angelic voice. Padme Amidala floated next to her husband, her long brown hair floating behind him.

"Yes, Angel," Anakin grumbled. Padme gave a motherly smile and kissed Anakin gently. Obi-Wan laughed as Satine appeared, standing next to Obi-Wan. The former Jedi Master went red as Satine kissed Obi-Wan's cheek. 

"Shall we?" Rex asked, taking Ahsoka's hand.

"Yes," Ahsoka said. Their lips met and Rex pulled Ahsoka into a long overdue kiss. Ahsoka smiled, melting into the kiss and drowned out Anakin who was quietly screaming in the background. The couple broke off the kiss as all three pairs, living and dead, stood beside one another.

"Well, we found each other," Rex said. "All of us."

Padme smiled. "It took this long, but I'm glad it finally happened," the former senator agreed as Anakin wrapped a hand around her waist.

"I missed this," Ahsoka concluded. "I missed being with all of you. I mean, we never did that much together that was off the battlefield- I mean with Padme and Satine. But I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"None of us would," Obi-Wan replied. Satine stood next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Rex pulled Ahsoka to his side as she placed a hand on his chest. The final round of fireworks exploded in the sky as the loved ones watched the sky, just happy to be with each other- finally. 

A/N: I wanted to have a reunion with Rex and Ahsoka on Endor, but I also wanted Ahsoka to know that Anakin turned back to the light. I first thought that Ahsoka would go to Luke, but I wanted Anakin to tell her himself, so this story was born. Hoped you liked it. 

Who is better portrayed in the Mandalorian: Luke Skywalker or Ahsoka Tano. 

I think Ahsoka. Dawson did an amazing job of capturing Ahsoka perfectly. 


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