For Love ~Anidala, Rexsoka

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For many years the war between the dreaded SITH EMPIRE led by EMPEROR PALPATINE and the heroic REPUBLIC has been waging. The JEDI COUNCIL sends their warriors known as the Jedi into battle to face Palpatine's army of men. Head of the Jedi Council, Master YODA sends GENERAL ANAKIN SKYWALKER, MASTER OBI-WAN KENOBI, and PADAWAN AHSOKA TANO to take an Imperial base on the planet of Christophsis.

Emperor Palpatine sends an elite squadron of clones led by CAPTAIN REX is sent to defend Christophsis, assisted by Palpatine's apprentice, COUNT DOOKU. As the Jedi draw closer, the situation grows more dire for the Empire....

"We're coming up on the drop zone now, Snips. Prepare to jump in three, two, one!" yelled Anakin as his Padawan nodded and jumped out of the Jedi gunship. Anakin pushed his hands out as he came up on the shimmering blue ground to slow his fall. His Padawan mimicked the action, as did Anakin's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Blue blaster bolts lit up the area as Ahsoka reflexively ignited her lightsabers to face the clones. The clones were dead in moments, thanks to the three Jedi. "Scan the area, R2," Anakin said to his blue and white astromech began to scan the minerals for explosives, and came up negative. 

"Good," Obi-Wan said. "This should make this planet easier to take."

Ahsoka's small droid crawled over her shoulder and reached out with it's small snapper fingers, before speaking in its soft binary. "ID-9 is right," Ahsoka said. "We need to hold this position and wait for Palpatine's next attack."

"Master?" asked Anakin, looking to Obi-Wan.

"Listen to the Padawan, Anakin," Obi-Wan advised. "She is right. Let the clones make the first strike."

Anakin nodded as R2-D2 trilled and showed the way to a small cavern formed by the crashed blue stones where they could wait. Jedi weren't allowed to have attachments- well most didn't have attachments, but Anakin wasn't like most Jedi.

He was married to Padme Amidala and he assumed that Obi-Wan had a relationship with Duchess Satine of Mandalore, but he couldn't be sure. However, as Jedi rarely had troops with them, they had droids to accompany them. Usually astromechs, but others had smaller droids, like Ahsoka did. 

Ahsoka had ID-9, a seeker probe droid that liked to crawl all over her shoulders and the Togruta considered it adorable, even though Anakin was pretty sure ID-9 was going to attack him someday with its tiny little claw-like pincers. R4, Obi-Wan's astromech, was currently arguing with R2 until Obi-Wan glowered at both droids and they went silent. 

Ahsoka knelt on the cold ground and gestured for Artoo to come over. The astromech chirped and began to warm up the area with his lighter. Ahsoka rubbed her hands to keep warm and shivered slightly.

"If the droids do attack, what should our plan be?" Anakin asked.

"Depends who is leading the attack. Perhaps the Emperor will send Dooku or another one of his assassins like Ventress or Maul," Obi-Wan said. "If it's another clone, then the problem will not be as major."

"Don't forget about Krell," Ahsoka reminded him. The Besalisk had fallen to the dark side after mercilessly slaughtering almost the entire battalion of Republic troopers along with handing Umbara to the Separatists. 

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