See you again ~ Rexsoka

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"Alright, what are we doing here, Ahsoka?" Rafa asked, placing a hand on her hip. "This is the clone bar."

"Yeah, Ahsoka," agreed Rafa's sister Trace who usually agreed with Ahsoka on everything. They stood outside 79s by the speeders as clones walked around the entrance of the bar as music blared from the inside. 

"Just for a few minutes," Ahsoka begged. She was pretty sure that none of the boys that she was close with from the 501st or the 212th would be there, but it was worth a shot. "It'll be fun. Besides, there might be spare credits inside."

Rafa's eyes lit up as she pulled her fur coat around her. "Fine. Only ten minutes though," she snapped as Trace glared at her sister. 

"As soon as credits are involved, she always takes your side," Trace sighed as Rafa walked inside. 

Ahsoka smiled. "I'm persuasive," she said, grinning widely. Trace just rolled her eyes. "I'll be in there in a second. I have to get changed."

"Your brought a dress?" Trace asked in pure disbelief. "Where'd you get the money?"

"That job that you agreed I could have part of the money. You're still letting me use your tools, you know," Ahsoka said as she fingered the soft light blue dress in the leather bag that was slung over her shoulder. 

Trace muttered something under her breath that sounded like a curse in Huttese. And Ahsoka knew exactly what it meant, thanks to her master. Former master. she reminded herself with a pang in her chest. She shook it away with a smile. "Have fun. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Ahsoka slipped into a small shot near 79s and changed in the bathroom quickly. The shopkeeper, Vraka, knew her. "How do I look?" she asked the female Theelin before she left.  

"Beautiful as always, Ahsoka," Vraka replied with a small smile and a happy look in her warm amber eyes. Ahsoka blushed slightly as she left the store and walked into 79s. Rafa came up to her, her pockets jingling with credits. 

"We're coming here way more often," she said happily. "Nice dress."

"Thanks," Ahsoka said absent-mindedly. Her eyes flickered over to a small table in the corner where several clones were talking. But there was one with short blonde hair looking her way. "See you around," she said, before walking off towards the table. The clone was smiling. She knew it was him. 

She ran over as he stood up and enveloped her in his arms. She wrapped her hands around his neck as he pulled her close by her waist. Tears of joy glittered in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss him when she heard a shout from behind her. 

"Oi! Rex ol' boy, whatcha doing over there?" called the only clone who would ever say that. 


"Good to see you too, Fives," Ahsoka called back as she turned, Rex's arm draped around her shoulder. 

"Commander Tano!" Fives said happily. "Group hug!"

"No, there's really no need," Ahsoka tried to protest. As Jesse, Kix, Echo, Hardcase, Hevy (yes none of these clones died. I can't kill them off.) and a few other clones dashed over to her. 

"You're not getting out of this Soka," Rex laughed and she shot him an angry look. But she couldn't stay mad at them as they buried her in a large hug, almost drowning her. 

"Okay, okay, it's good to see you too," she said as they let her go. She walked over to their table and sat down next to Rex who immediately put a protective arm around her. She smiled knowingly at him, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"So, what's been going on, Commander?" Jesse asked eagerly. 

"I'm not a commander anymore, boys. You can just call me Ahsoka," she said. 

"Rex will have no problem calling you that. You've been calling her Soka since.... when was it?" Echo wondered. 

"The Citadel," Hardcase said confidently as Fives nodded. 

"How do you know this, exactly?" Rex asked as he moved his hand to stroke Ahsoka's lekku, which was rapidly darkening from a light blue to almost black. 

"We know a lot of things," Fives said as Ahsoka just shook her head. "And you've been calling him Rexter or Rexie since you two met."

Ahsoka blushed as Rex pulled her close and pressed his lips to the top of her head. 
So what's up with you?" Rex asked.

"I've been with these sisters named Trace and Rafa at their mechanic shop and have been helping them with their jobs. I've used the Force once," she said, recalling the time she had to use her power save Trace from a rampaging droid. "And you guys?"

"Senator Amidala was captured by Rush Clovis and General Skywalker went full 'you lay one finger on her and I will slice at least three of your limbs off with my lightsaber and leave you slowly burning' mode and we didn't see him for three days after," Hevy said and they all laughed. 

"Come on, let's get out of here before Skywalker's droid comes in and shocks us for not being back in the barracks right now," Rex whispered to Ahsoka as she nodded. 

They casually walked outside and watched the Coruscant traffic above them. "It's good to see you again, Soka," Rex said. "It's been lonely without you here."

"I've missed you too," she said. She opened her mouth to speak again but was cut off by Rex's lips against her own. She melted into the kiss as Rex's hand rested on her back lekku as she moved closer towards him. "I love you," she whispered.

He smiled, pressing his forehead to hers. "I love you too."

There was a soft beep behind them and a blue and white astromech chirped haughtily, with an air of smugness if it was possible. Rex glowered at "Skywalker's meddling bucket of bolts" as some of the boys called him. 

Ahsoka wrapped herself in Rex's arms as she clearly sensed Artoo. Rex pulled her close to his chest and told R2, "Get away from here droid before I use you for target practice."

Ahsoka giggled and pulled Rex into a long kiss. R2 gave what only could be interpreted as a sigh and rolled off. "Rafa and Trace will be looking for me," Ahsoka said, pulling herself out of Rex's arms. 

The clone sighed and placed his hand on her cheek. She held it close to her face. "I will see you again, I am sure of that," he said quietly, pressing his lips to her forehead. 

"I know."

Ahsoka's dress:

Ahsoka's dress:

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A/N: Okay, so I absolutely love this song and the video is a favorite of mine. I always thought that Rex would know that Ahsoka was alive and well before she reunited with Anakin and the rest of the clones, so this is just me putting those words down. Feel free to comment thoughts and requests down below. 

Question: Which is better, the Clone Wars or the Mandalorian?

I love the Mandalorian, but I have to say that I like the Clone Wars better. 


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