People, not Numbers ~ Foxiyo

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Riyo Chuchi walked the pure white halls of Kamino. Even at night, when all was dark, the walls seemed to pop with brightness. But that wasn't what bothered her. The thunder, the winds, the rain- they all made it impossible for her to rest. The weather on Coruscant was pleasant, warm winds and rarely downpours like the non-stop ones on Kamino. 

There was another rumble of thunder as Riyo pulled the shawl she was wearing closer to her body. The small gold pieces in her hair jingled as she walked, her boots loud on the floor. She shivered at the sound of the rain pounding harder and harder. 

She didn't look where she was going and walked directly into a clone. "I'm so sorry," she said quickly, rubbing her face where she had smacked into the trooper. Great! she thought angrily. Her second assignment off Coruscant and this is how she started it off. Chancellor Palpatine had ordered her to oversee the clone production after her success with the Talz. She was supposed to get a tour from Nala Se and General Shaak Ti the next morning.

"It's okay, ma'am," the clone said. His bright eyes caught Riyo's attention and she fought the blush growing on her face. "Just be glad it wasn't a Kaminoan."

Riyo smiled. "I guess," she said. She was still very young and was still attempting to figure out her way in politics and the war in general. 

"I should head back- I'm not supposed to up right now," the clone said quickly, moving to turn around. 

"Wait," Riyo said, resting a hand on his arm. "What's your name?"

"Uh, Fox," the clone said. "Yours?"

 "Riyo Chuchi, senator from Pantora," she said automatically. Fox smiled and gave an over-exaggerated bow and Riyo laughed lightly.  

"What's it like on Coruscant?" Fox asked, walking beside her, the sound of their shoes echoing in the night. 

"It's amazing. It's colorful and from my apartment I can see the sun hitting the Jedi Temple as it sets and it lights up beautifully. The Senate building is beautiful in its own way, especially just as the sun comes up in the morning. But I guess you just have to see it to be there," Riyo did her best to explain. 

Fox just nodded. "We don't get many visitors here, and we mainly just see the Kaminoans and General Ti, as well as the bounty hunters who train us," he explained. 

"Oh," she said softly. "You should have more people come here. It's not healthy to keep seeing the same people."

"With all due respect, ma'am, we're clones not people," he said and Riyo stopped walking. She turned to him, taking both of his hands in hers. 

"Listen to me, Fox. You are a person and you deserve to be treated like one," she said firmly. Fox looked down.

"No one's ever treated me like you have before," Fox confessed. Riyo looked at him sympathetically and gently touched his cheek. He leaned into her touch automatically and she looked kindly at him. 

"You and your brothers- you're people not numbers. None of you are numbers and you never will be," the Pantoran said. Purely out of impulse, she leaned in and tenderly kissed his cheek. They both blushed and Riyo couldn't help but smile. 

"I should go," Fox said, rubbing the back of his neck, blushing furiously. 

"Uh, yeah," Riyo said, glancing down. "But Fox, remember, you're people not numbers. And I hope I see you again someday," she called to him as they went their separate ways. 

"Someday," Fox echoed. 

A/N: Alright, perhaps not my best, but I did have a major writer's block while writing it and I couldn't get it to come out the way I wanted to. Hope it was okay. 

What is your favorite scene in the Clone Wars? Mine would have to be in the Citadel when Rex is defending Ahsoka while talking to Tarkin or Ahsoka's reaction to the painted helmets. Whether you ship them or not, it shows how strong their bond really is, and how not even the war can stop their relationship. 


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