Always ~Shives

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Shaak Ti walked along the halls of Kamino, her dress trailing behind her. She couldn't sleep and found it calming to walk along the white halls and listen to the rain as it pounded on Topica City. As she moved through the darkness, she heard a quiet cry. Shaak moved faster and found a clone curled up outside the barracks, crying.

She gently touched his shoulder and the clone looked up. "Oh, General Ti," Fives said, wiping away the last of his tears. "Sorry, sir."

"Fives, it's okay," Shaak said gently, settling down next to him. "What's wrong?" she asked. 

"99," Fives said, his voice breaking. "Hevy. Everyone who has died in this war."

Shaak wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close. "Loss is inevitable in war," she said, blushing slightly. "But I promise their sacrifices will not be in vain."

Fives nodded. "I know, but why did it have to be 99? I don't want to loose someone like Rex or Echo one day," he said sincerely. 

"I know you don't want to, Fives," Shaak said softly. "But I promise that if that ever happens, you can come to Kamino on my authority and I will always be here for you."

"You actually mean that?" Fives asked, looking up at her violet eyes.

"I do," she replied, leaning in and kissing his forehead. Fives went bright red and Shaak blushed deeply. "Now, sleep, Fives. Someday, I believe this war will end and I will be by your side in that time. Always."

A/N: Okay, I haven't done a Shives in a while, and I know this one is very short, but I didn't really know how I would write it, I just had the idea.


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