New Beginnings ~ Rexsoka, Barody, Shives, Blyla, Anidala, Obitine

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----In this story, there is no Order 66 and Satine lives----

----Also, Barriss is not evil and Ahsoka doesn't leave the Jedi Order----

Ahsoka and Rex stood outside Dex's Diner, which, with a bit of persuasion, had gotten empty for the night, save for a few guests. They waited a few minutes before Barriss Offee and Commander Cody came up beside them. 

"Good to see you, Ahsoka," Barriss said, embracing her friend. 

"You too, Barriss," Ahsoka replied. "Shall we?" She gestured to the restaurant and the four walked inside. Already inside were two other couples, Fives and Shaak Ti, and Bly and Aayla Secura. 

"Good to see you all," Aayla said as she leaned her head on Bly's shoulder. The clone commander wrapped his arm around the Twi'lek's shoulder and held her close. 

"You as well, General Secura," Cody said formally. While the clones were dressed in comfortable clothes, not their armor, and didn't need to keep protocol, it was drilled into them to reply formally.

"There is no need for formalities, Cody," Shaak Ti. "This is a rare night where we can forget the war and be together. I have to leave tomorrow for Kamino, anyways. I just managed to convince Plo Koon to cover for me for a few days. Of course, he'll probably come back with at least a dozen clones to add to the Wolffepack, but that's Plo."

Ahsoka nodded knowingly. "Anyways, Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi won't be bothering us tonight."

"How do you know, Soka?" Rex asked her as them and Cody and Barriss sat down at the booth where the others were seated. 

"Well Obi-Wan decided to escort Duchess Satine around Coruscant tonight and Anakin is probably spending the night with Senator Amidala, and if not, I used the secret ingredient," Ahsoka said with a sly grin.

"Sand!" Fives exclaimed as Ahsoka nodded. 

"I put it all over his quarters and I may or may not have put it in his boots and convinced Artoo to spray him with it if Skyguy comes to the barracks or my room," Ahsoka said. "Nothing is ruining this night."

"How did you convince that astromech to attack General Skywalker?" Bly asked.

"Credits. He really wants to go back to this droid spa," Ahsoka said. "I will never understand droids."

"Well, I don't agree with being cruel to your master, but if this night isn't disturbed, I'll help you with the next prank. And I know what can seriously make your master mad," Aayla said. 

"And how is that?" Fives asked. Shaak Ti shook her head, but smiled, as he took out a piece of paper. "Pen?" he asked and Ahsoka tossed him one.

"I have been in the Council meetings with Anakin for a very long time," Aayla said. "Shaak has been on Council for longer than I have, so she is filled with good information."

"After dinner," Shaak said as drinks they had ordered came around. 

"I think this is a good time to celebrate," Barriss said, raising her glass. "To Rex and Ahsoka, who have been together for a year and five months."

Rex pulled Ahsoka close to him and kissed the top of her head, before lifting his own glass. "To Barriss and Cody, who will have been together for a year in one week. Bly and Aayla, who have been married for two years. Fives and Shaak who have been together for six months," he said.

"To all of us," Cody said and their glasses clinked together.

Dinner was good, much better than rations, and they discussed what their lives would be like after the war. 

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