The Right Person~ Rexsoka

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----Ahsoka Tano was never a Jedi. She was Force-sensitive human Mandalorian. She's a member of an elite squadron of former Death Watch warriors that are led by Bo-Katan Kryze and Ursa Wren and are Mandalore's army, mainly for protection.----

----Maul was destroyed on Mandalore by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine managed to survive. Death Watch was obliterated and those who remained loyal to them were exiled to the remote world of Nevarro. Mandalore's warriors are divided, one squadron on the moon of Concordia led by Bo-Katan and one on Mandalore led by Ursa.----

Anakin Skywalker landed the red and white Jedi transport on the ground outside the camp of the Mandalorian warriors that called themselves the Nite Owls. A group of men and women dressed in glistening beskar landed outside the ship, their silver blasters raised. 

"Anakin, remember that we are here on terms of peace. We cannot afford to make enemies of these warriors," Obi-Wan Kenobi warned his apprentice as the Jedi Master stood and walked out of the ship. 

"Tell that to them," Anakin joked as he exited the ship, Commander Rex and ARC Trooper Fives behind them. 

"Why are you here?" asked the lead Mandalorian. She was a female with blue, white, and black armor. "What are your names?"

Her fellow warriors were ready to jump at the Jedi and clones- Anakin could tell by their stances. They were all dressed in blue and white beskar, visibly armed with only two blasters each, but Anakin knew that the armor concealed many weapons and that Mandalorians were the fiercest warriors in the galaxy.

"I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Master. This is my fellow Jedi, Anakin Skywalker. The two clones are Commander Rex and Fives. We are here to discuss your dealings with Satine and Mandalore," Obi-Wan said diplomatically. A young woman let out a wave of fierce anger through the Force that shocked both of the Jedi.

The lead Mandalorian removed her helmet to reveal short red hair, a lightly freckled face, and hard green eyes. "I am Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze. I lead this division of the Nite Owls. Satine is my sister. These are my fellow warriors, Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, and Ahsoka Tano," Bo-Katan said. 

The others removed their helmets. Axe Woves was a man with short black hair and several scars on his face. Koska Reeves had silky black hair braided over and behind her head. Ahsoka Tano had menacing blue eyes and three braids that were divided, one on each shoulder and one in the center of her back that were dyed with blue and white stripes. 

"It's getting late," Bo-Katan observed, watching the darkened sky swallow up the sun. "We'll talk more at our camp."

Anakin and the others followed the Mandalorians back to a large camp. There were many tents, crates of weapons and blue and white starships. Others walked around the camp and stopped as they saw the Jedi. Their emotions were cold towards the newcomers, but Anakin sensed something else. 

"Do you feel it? Someone is very strong with the Force," Obi-Wan said as his apprentice nodded. "Be on guard."

They walked into a brown tent that was empty, save for several tables and some food. "Sit," Koska said as she removed plain blue her helmet and plunked it down on the wood. 

"We received word that Satine has her own army. We wanted to investigate it and see that it's not another threat like Death Watch," Anakin explained. 

"Death Watch is gone," Bo-Katan said, drinking from a mug. "We left and helped destroy Maul and the others."

"I see," Obi-Wan said, stroking his beard calmly. "We need to speak with Duchess Satine as soon as possible and inform the Senate and the Jedi Council of this new information. May we stay the night?" he asked. 

Bo-Katan nodded as Ahsoka stormed out of the tent, spitting out, "How can you trust them after what they did?"

"She's right. The Jedi cannot be trusted. They refused us aid in the past," Axe said, nodding his head slightly. 

"What did they do?" Fives asked, breaking his silence. 

"The Jedi have long been enemies of the warriors of Mandalore. But Ahsoka can't trust you after what happened," Koska said, twisting one of her elaborate braids around her finger. 

Rex had been watching the entire time and as Koska and Anakin's argument rose louder, he slipped out of the tent and into the structure that Ahsoka had disappeared inside of. 

"Go away," snapped Ahsoka angrily. She was even more beautiful in the light of the lanterns. She sat on the ground, her legs flopped out behind her.

"Please, I just want to talk," Rex said as she turned her head towards him. He slowly moved towards her and settled down beside her. "Why do you hate the Jedi?"

"It's a long story," she said, avoiding the question.

"Tell me," he said quietly, resting a hand on her arm. She flinched for a moment, but didn't pull away.

"It was before the war. A few months before, when the Jedi were still Peacekeepers, not warriors. Clan Tano was small, as we were mainly Force-users. I was fourteen when Death Watch came. They burned our lands to the ground. We tried to fight back, but it was hopeless. We begged the Jedi for help but they said that they couldn't invade because Mandalore is neutral. Even after we explained to them our situation and my father had died, they still said no. Me and my mother were the only survivors. I joined Death Watch to remain alive. I allied myself with their cause and Pre Vizsla seemed to think that a Force-sensitive would be of some use to him. My mother barely managed to train me when she was killed by other Death Watch members. They said she was a traitor. I killed them to live. When Maul came, I hid my powers with only one thought: survive. The Nite Owls joined together to destroy the Sith once and for all and I engaged Maul in combat. I won and executed him, before giving the power I had earned to Satine. Now that the Jedi are here, it all comes back to me. The screams and the death and the pain. The snow bled that day. And now that the Jedi act like nothing happens- it's like adding salt into an open wound. They want to forget everything they did to our people. They want to forget how they abandoned us when my people were dying right in front of them! But I can't forget how the blood spilled from my little sister's body. Even if I want to, I cannot forget anything. I must tell my children and they must tell their children and the story must be passed on. Always." She was crying now, tears streaking down her face harder and harder and she didn't even try to stop them. 

Rex's heart ached for her. He had lost many brothers, but never all of them. He tried to wonder what it was like for her- to join the people who killed her family to live and to watch as the Jedi did nothing to stop the murders. 

"No one understands my pain. And no one ever will," she sobbed, burying her face in her hands. 

"Oh, Ahsoka," he breathed as he wrapped his arm around her. She inched closer to him as he pulled her closer to his chest. "I'm sure if they knew-"

"They do know! It's probably written in their precious Archives and they don't even care!" she said harshly. "How can you even follow them when they lead your brothers to their deaths?"

"I.... don't know," Rex trailed off. "I guess I would leave if I found the right person."

His heart pounded as he leaned in and pressed his lips to Ahsoka's. She melted into the kiss, wrapping her hands around his neck as his found her waist. She broke off with a smirk. 

"Well, I guess you just did." she said. 

"I guess so."

A/N: I always thought Ahsoka would be a really cool Mandalorian and I made her human because her montrals wouldn't fit into the helmet, unless it was specially made for her and that wouldn't make sense. Also, in case you were wondering, this version of Ahsoka has two lightsabers, the hilts the same as in Rebels and the Mandalorian, but they're grey. Also, Axe Woves and Koska Reeves are the two Mandalorians in "The Heiress". Hope you liked it!

What has been your favorite episode of the Mandalorian so far? Mine is "The Jedi" or the "The Heiress" (Ahsoka and Bo-Katan).

See ya.


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