Anidala, Rexsoka

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 Ahsoka and Rex walked along a balcony overlooking a glistening lake. Rex was dressed in a cloak and robes while Ahsoka was in a backless dress that was ivory with pastel colors decorating the lower half and clasped around her neck with a shimmering silver piece. Silver pieces rested on her montrals and long sleeves billowed behind her. 

Rex picked at the stone balcony they were on and said, "I don't like sand." Ahsoka looked at him, her finger clasped together. "It's coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere," he said and Ahsoka sent him a thin smile. Rex continued, staring at her. "Not like you. You're everything soft and smooth." 

His hands traced her back as she turned to him, showing the silver headdress Ahsoka was wearing. He smiled at her again and they both leaned it. Their lips met in a long kiss. 

"HOLD ON!" yelled Kanan Jarrus at Chopper as the droid stopped the hologram. "This was supposed to be the tactical readouts that Senator Organa's astromech gave us, not.... whatever this is! Stupid droid."

Chopper huffed in gargled binary and put his small grey hands just below his head as Ezra came into Kanan's room. "What's going on here?" the boy asked, intrigued. Chopper explained and Ezra's face lit up. "Show me!" he said. "I need dirt on Ahsoka."

Kanan looked horrified for a moment and then a grin slowly spread across his face. "I can use this for leverage against Rex," he said quietly. "The kid's right. What happens next?"

They sat in a grassy field. Ahsoka was dressed in a yellow dress covered in small flowers. A green band rested on her montrals. Rex was slyly grinning at Ahsoka and the Togruta said, "You're making fun of me." A grin was growing on her face.

"Oh no, I'd be much to frightened to tease a Jedi," he laughed. They smiled and the scene flickered forwards to Rex attempting to ride a large creature. Waterfalls glimmered in the background.

Ahsoka chased him, her dress glittering in the sunlight. He slipped off of the creature and fell on the grass. He tried to get up, but collapsed. Ahsoka dashed over to him, slowed down partially by her dress. "Rexie, are you alright?" she asked, panicking and turning him over. 

Rex was laughing and Ahsoka playfully smacked his chest. They tumbled in the grass for a little bit before the scene cut off. 

"Okay, you have to admit that was kinda sweet," Ezra said diplomatically to Kanan. Kanan stroked his short beard like he had seen Master Kenobi do back in the days of the Republic and the Jedi. 

The scene flashed forwards to a dark cavern. Rex was in the same outfit, minus the cloak while Ahsoka wore a pure white top and pants that had long sleeves. Several bug-like creatures secured chariot they were both chained to. "Don't be afraid," Rex said, turning to Ahsoka. 

"I'm not afraid to die," Ahsoka replied softly. "I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."

Rex's brows furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?" he asked. 

"I love you," Ahsoka whispered. 

At this point, Ezra's mouth was wide open and to say that he was in complete shock was a severe understatment. "H-how? HOW IN ALL OF THE GALAXY DID SHE CONFESS HER LOVE TO HIM BY SAYING THAT?" he half-yelled half-asked.

"I have no idea," Kanan sighed. "Chop, keep it playing."

There was a pause as Rex blinked several times. "You love me?" he asked. "I thought that we had decided not to fall in love." he said, still in disbelief. "And that we would be forced to live a lie and that it would destroy our lives."

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