Remembering Them~ Anidala

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----Anakin didn't turn to the dark side, but Palpatine still became ruler of the Empire. Padme died in childbirth and Anakin was killed fighting for the Rebellion several months. Luke and Leia were raised by Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan.----

----After the war----

Luke looked at the only family he could remember, Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan Kenobi. His sister Leia was dressed in her usual white dress with a silver belt, her hair in two buns, while Luke wore his black clothing with his lightsaber at his side. Ahsoka's clothing was covered by a brown cloak, as well as Obi-Wan's Jedi robes. 

They stood outside the palace of Naboo in the capital of Theed. The waterfalls sounded behind them as Luke looked at the stained-glass windows. A woman in a red dress, a large headdress, her face painted white and lips painted red. But Luke found something more interesting. 

"Leia, look," he said, pointing to window that the woman was depicted in. "That woman, she looks kind of like you."

His twin sister looked at the window and nodded. "Yeah, she does, doesn't she?" Leia said, before speaking to Obi-Wan and Ahsoka. "Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, who is that woman? Obi-Wan? Ahsoka?"

They turned around to find the Togruta and the Jedi master missing. "Where could they have gone?" Luke asked no one in particular. 

Leia just shook her head in response. "I have no idea."


While Luke and Leia were quietly discussing the artwork of Padme Amidala, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan slipped their hoods over their heads and slipped into the mill of people in Theed. They walked away from the palace and to the area where Qui-Gon Jinn was laid to rest.

They reached a large gate and Obi-Wan waved his hand and it opened with ease. Five compartments, each large and circular with a path leading to one. The largest was in the middle, and only three were occupied. The other two had been made for two people who hadn't died yet. 

Ahsoka gently touched Obi-Wan's arm. "Obi-Wan, it's okay," she whispered as they walked down the first path. The first circular area was a memorial of sorts. Candles decorated shelves as art portrayed moments of the Jedi Master's life. Tears clouded Obi-Wan's eyes. He remembered it clearly- The flames flickering in the night and the gratitude the Naboo had shown for Qui-Gon Jinn.

Obi-Wan looked up at the artwork. Qui-Gon training with Dooku, him and Obi-Wan on various missions (including the one with Satine- Obi-Wan couldn't stop the tears from falling as he remembered his love), and finally, them protecting then-Queen Amidala and the rest of her guard from Maul. 

"Master Qui-Gon," Obi-Wan whispered as Ahsoka bowed her head in respect for the fallen Jedi. "I did all I could. I trained Anakin Skywalker with everything I knew, even though you should have taught the boy. I am sorry," Obi-Wan's voice caught in his throat. "I couldn't save you, Master."

The pair stood in silence for several more minutes, before moving on to the second place. The grave of Shmi Skywalker. Her body had been moved from the sands of Tatooine to Naboo per Obi-Wan's request. Neither of them had known Shmi personally, but they knew how close Anakin had been to her. They honored her, simply in silence, letting their thanks for raising Anakin to be who he was flow through the Force. 

Tears clouded Ahsoka's eyes as she moved to the largest and last circular area. Two coffins, each inscribed with a message on them stood in the middle. Ahsoka didn't look around- not yet, anyways. 

She slowly walked over to the first coffin and traced the inscription with her gloved finger. Anakin Skywalker- Father, son, husband, brother, master, apprentice. Child of Shmi Skywalker and husband of Padme Amidala. Loyal friend and loving father, who we lost too early. 

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