I Choose You~ Rexsoka

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Another Rexsoka! Hope you like. This takes place after Rebels but before the Mandalorian.

The world between worlds was a darkened expanse, save for the white pathways and portals. Ahsoka Tano and her Force-sensitive husband, Rex Tano walked along the world. The voices sounded throughout the endless stars. 

A/N: Comment where the dialogue is from! I will post the answers at the end.

"You must reunite it with its own kind."

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

"You can't stop change more than you can stop the suns from setting."

"I've seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us."

"Battles leave scars. Some you can't see."

"Sometimes it takes courage to stick to ones beliefs, young Padawan."

"Ah, yes. The Negotiator."

"So this is the place?" Rex asked as he walked beside the Togruta, their hands intertwined. Ahsoka wordlessly nodded as her eyes swept over the circular portal. A convor landed on top of the portal, before spotting Ahsoka. 

"Morai! You've come back," Ahsoka said, holding out her arm. The green, gold, and white convor landed on Ahsoka and nuzzled her face gently. Ahsoka giggled as she stroked the bird's long feathers. "Rex, this is Morai, I owe her life since Mortis," she explained and Rex just nodded. It had taken hours to explain the concept of the Father, Son, and Daughter to him, but he eventually understood. 

The portal lit up in a circle as it slowly began to glow. It was an older Ahsoka standing next to a man with messy brown hair. The man played with a boy with white markings on his face while a girl with montrals levitated a ball in the air. 

Rex loosened his grip on Ahsoka's hand. "Rex, please," Ahsoka begged. "You know I love you!"

"Do I, though? This shows the future. Maybe I shouldn't trust you at all," he said coldly, dropping her hand and scooting away from his wife. 

"Come on," Ahsoka sighed. "Let's just see what this is."

She walked into the portal and Rex slowly followed her. Immediately they were transported to a green forest on a familiar planet. Onderon. A bad feeling grew in the pit of Rex's stomach as he saw the family before him.

Another Ahsoka, Lux Bonteri, and two kids. They stood happily together, playing in the sunlight. The other Ahsoka kissed Lux's cheek gently and went inside a large manor. "Lux?" the real Ahsoka asked in confusion. 

"Ahsoka, love, I thought you said you were getting drinks," Lux said cheerily. "Era and Zell are getting thirsty, honey."

"I am a happily married woman, thank you very much," Ahsoka spat. "And who named those poor children Era and Zell?"

"Yes, you are married. To me!" Lux said. "I named our two children."

"What?" asked Rex. Ahsoka glanced back and forth between the two of them, her hand resting on her stomach. 

"What are you doing here, clone?" hissed Lux angrily. "Get away from my wife!"

"She's my wife, not yours," Rex snarled. 

"Please stop," Ahsoka begged. "I don't know what this is but I am gladly married to Rex. You died three years ago helping the Rebellion!"

"Rebellion?" Lux chuckled. "The Empire destroyed Yavin 4 and all of the rebels on it. Emperor Palpatine rules the galaxy! All other rebels were executed for their crimes against the Empire. You and I rule Onderon thanks to our glorious emperor."

"No," Ahsoka breathed. She reached out for Rex's hand but it was gone. He was stiff beside her, his amber eyes glimmering with fear. Ahsoka could sense it through the Force as well. 

"Now, clone, explain yourself. She is my lovely wife who said yes when I begged her to marry me. She's the one who kissed me on Carlac and the one who was jealous of Steela when joined us on Onderon," Lux hissed, a snake-like smile forming on his face. 

Rex, please this isn't true. He kissed me to keep our cover with Death Watch and I was already in love with you on Onderon! I would never betray you for him. He's a- she desperately tried to reach out through their bond in the Force, before she realized it was useless. He had sealed himself off from her. 

"Lies," spat Rex in anger. 

"Oh yeah?" Lux challenged smugly. "Ask her yourself. I know she won't lie to you."

"Ahsoka, please, tell me the truth." Rex's voice was filled with pain. She tried to look away, but his hand gently turned her face towards him. She squeezed her eyes shut and miserably nodded. 

Lux grinned again. "Come now, Ahsoka darling," he said reaching his arm out to lead her inside his home. Ahsoka shook him away. 

"Please, let me just talk to Rex alone," she said and walked away from him and towards the clone. 

Rex was clearly feeling betrayed. Ahsoka didn't need the Force to see the sadness that he felt. "Ahsoka, how could you do this?" he said in pain. "I loved you ever since you disappeared on Felucia. I wanted to be there beside every step of the way and make sure you were okay. When you told me you returned my feelings, it was one of the happiest moments of my life, second to the day you became my wife. I would give my life for yours and I would travel to the farthest reaches of the galaxy to prove to love I have for you. When you were gone on Malachor, I spent months to see if you were alive, trying to contact you. When I saw you again after that, I was overjoyed. I guess it was all for nothing."

Ahsoka gasped softly. "You would do that f-for me?" she asked quietly. He nodded. "Come here," she said, pulling him towards her. She kissed him passionately, flattening her hands on his chest as he held her. She broke off the kiss and told him, "I will always choose you. I don't care about money, victory, or anything else. I choose you, Rex."

"Y-You choose me?" he asked in disbelief. 

She gave a classic snippy grin and said, "Of course. Why else would I carry our child?"

"You're pregnant ?" he said, shocked. 

Ahsoka smiled and pulled him into another kiss. "One thing, love?" she asked. He nodded. "Never name our kid Era or Zell."

"Maybe something like Norah," Rex said as he draped his arm around her. 

"I like the sound of that. Sashla would be nice," she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder. 

"One more thing?" he said. She turned to him. "I love you."

She could have said something sappy and make a long speech, but she simply turned to him and said in her classic "Snips" voice as Anakin called it, "I know."

A/N: This may have been confusing. Basically, Rex is Force-sensitive and him and Ahsoka are looking for Ezra using the World Between Worlds. I listened to this song when I was writing this and I thought it fit the story so well. Just my opinion. The quotes from the beginning are:

1. The Armorer "The Mandalorian"

2. Leia Organa "A New Hope"

3. Shmi Skywalker "The Phantom Menace"

4. Ahsoka Tano "The Mandalorian"

5. Kanan Jarrus "Rebels"

6. Aayla Secura "The Clone Wars"

7. General Grevious "Revenge of the Sith" (that was for fun)

Question: What is your favorite Bo-Katan line?

Mine is either "A Mandalorian with a jetpack is a weapon" or "Our enemies want to separate us. But Mandalorians are stronger together."


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