You Remind me of Someone I knew

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A/N: This is just a story that I thought of and decided to write. There are no ships involved. 

Why Tatooine? Of all places to run out of gas, Tatooine. former Jedi Ahsoka Tano thought angrily. The desert planet was barely inhabited, save for the towns and the Tusken Raiders, and fuel prices were much more expensive than almost any other planet she could have landed on.

But that wasn't worst part. She could manage the fuel pricing, but the memories were the hardest part. It was her first mission with her new master, Anakin Skywalker, that had taken place on Tatooine. 

As she exited her small ship and pulled her cloak's hood over her montrals and shivered slightly at the freezing desert night. 

There were no paths in the desert, only pieces of rock that had been moved around slightly to make an almost walkable terrain. Using her balance that she had perfected when she was still a Jedi, she climbed over the sand-covered rocks. 

A light glimmered in the distance. To Ahsoka, it reminded her of the years before the Empire. Before Order 66. Of a time when she could ask for help and receive it, but now that the Empire ruled the galaxy, families needed to provide for themselves. 

The Empire had been ruling for five years, and as a target of the Sith-ruled power, Ahsoka needed to hop between planets in the Outer Rim and cover up every trace that she had been there. Going to the Core Worlds or even some planets in the Mid Rim was out of the question. She would be found and executed. 

As Ahsoka calmly approached the lit home, she slipped and sliced open her thigh. She let out a small yelp of pain, before snapping her mouth shut. A cloaked figure hurried out of the hut and Ahsoka tried to flatten herself to the rocks.

"Come out, little one," the figure said. It was a man's voice. "Don't be afraid." It sounded vaguely familiar, but the Togruta couldn't place it. Whoever the man was, it calmed her into coming out from the sand. 

The man was dressed in brown and white robes and he had a beard and auburn hair. He offered his hand and she gratefully took it. "Thank you- Obi-Wan?" she cut off her sentence as she saw the gray eyes of the Jedi Master. 

"Just Ben," Obi-Wan said stiffly. Ahsoka nodded knowingly. It made sense for him to change his name after the Jedi Purge. She had too. 

"It's so good to see that you're still alive," Ahsoka said, embracing him. "I've been so worried."

"You as well, young one," Ben said, returning the hug. "Come."

Ahsoka followed Ben into his drab rounded roof tan hut and sat on a seat next to a small table. Her grandmaster sat down next to her as he poured two glasses of something. "Tea?" he asked, offering a her a mug.

"Sure," she said, taking it. The warm cup heated her freezing hands and she sipped a small amount. "Why are you here?" she asked and Ben sighed.

"It's a long story," Ben said softly. 

"I've got all the time in the galaxy," Ahsoka said gently. "It might help to share it with someone."

Ben sighed and began. "Well, I had killed General Grievous when the clones turned on me. I barely managed to escape Utapua and meet with Senator Organa and Master Yoda. But when we arrived to the Jedi Temple, everyone was slaughtered," he said.

"Oh no," Ahsoka whispered. "Clones?"

"Worse," Ben said. "A Jedi."

"No," she breathed. A traitorous Jedi? It wasn't out of the question, especially after Barriss Offee had confessed to bombing the Jedi Temple. But she had never thought of slaughtering every single Jedi in the Temple. 

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