chapter 2

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My eyes slowly opened, my head fuzzy from drinking last night. My vision became clear and I was met with a phone screen in my face. I yawned, stretching my arms across Jean's chest as I snuggled further into him. "You're finally awake, sleepy head." He teased, the arm he had wrapped around my shoulder squeezing me closer to him.

I sighed, squinting at the bright light of the sun and his phone screen. "What time is it?" I groaned, closing my eyes again.

"It's 12 and I have to pee but you looked so comfy I didn't wanna wake you." He laughed softly, clearly filled with more energy than me on this fine Sunday morning.

"Go pee, loser." I slowly sat up on my elbows, moving off Jean so he could go pee. He quickly stood up, making his way over to the bathroom. A dumb smile etched its way onto my face as I stared at his glorious muscular body until he shut the door.

I sighed, rolling over and picking up my phone to see multiple missed calls from Sasha. I slid the notification across the screen before holding the phone up to my ear.

She answered almost immediately. "(Y/n)! Oh my god! Why haven't you been answering me? I was getting so worried." You could tell she was worried by her tone of voice, I completely forgot I didn't even say bye last night and she had no clue where I was.

"I was asleep." I laughed, my head still foggy.

"Where are you? Or should I ask whose hotel you're currently at?" Without even seeing her, I knew exactly what she looked like, a sly smile on her face.

"No ones." I grumbled. "I'll be back in a little bit."

"Well a few of us girls are going to go get lunch here around 2! That's the main reason I was trying to get ahold of ya!"

"Yeah I'll come, lemme just get myself together a bit and I'll be there shortly." Sasha hummed in approval before we hung up the call.

"Who was that?" Jean was now back in the room. He stood by his suitcase, pulling out sweats and a t shirt.

"Sasha." I mumbled, placing my phone back down before stretching, another yawn escaping my mouth.

"Do you want water or food?" Jean threw the shirt over his head, his beautiful abs disappearing from site making me pout a little bit. "Yeah, water for my pill but I'll get it." I went to move to the edge of the bed before hissing at the sudden sharp pain in my legs.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get it?" Jean raised an eyebrow, noticing the look of pain on my face.

"I am a strong, independent woman... I can get it." I sternly joked, grabbing the night stand to hoist myself up only for my legs to give out on me as I fell to my knees.

Jean laughed. "Yeah, real strong and independent." He mocked, walking over to me before helping my back onto the bed. "Shut up, this is your fault anyway." I grumbled, rolling my eyes at the cocky smirk Jean had plastered on his face.

He left the room, coming back with water and ibuprofen. "Thank you." I mumbled, swallowing the medicine and my birth control before chugging the water. "I have to call an Uber." I stated to myself, reaching over to grab my phone before it was snatched out of my hand.

"No, I'll drive you back." Jean insisted.

"Jean, it's fine I can just pay an Uber." I went to reach for my phone but he backed further away, knowing I wasn't gonna be able to catch him fast enough to grab it off of him.

"No. You're not going in an Uber with some strange man by yourself when you're clearly not in the condition to even run." He snapped. "So I'm driving you and you can just suck it up." He tossed my phone back to me and knowing he wasn't going to stop until I gave in, I didn't even bother. "Fine." I sighed, slowly hoisting myself off the bed, my legs still shaky and sore from Jean showing no mercy. He still had a smug look on his face as he watched me struggle to walk.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now