chapter 28

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- hello. thank you sm for 100k reads. y'all are the best and ily 😚

The flight was early the next morning and felt like it took forever but eventually we arrived back to the airport. I was gonna miss the house but I was excited to be back home.

"Marco and Connie are here." Jean placed his phone back in his pocket before looking back at Sasha, Niccolo, and I. We all said our goodbyes to the others before we made our way outside to the pickup area. We heard our names being called and turned to see Marco and Connie waving by their cars, except the woman standing by Marco is what caught my attention. She was tall, easily 6ft, dark skin with tattoos running up both arms, curly dark hair, and brown eyes. It was the girl Marco had met at the club and the girl in all those photos but she caught your eye even more in person. "Oh my god, it's her!" I smiled, nudging Jean as we made our way towards the two.

"I missed you so much!" Connie yelled as he sprinted towards Sasha, engulfing her into a tight hug. I laughed before approaching Marco and the woman. "Hi, I'm (y/n)! You must be Marco's girlfriend." I smiled, reaching my hand out to shake hers as she brightly smiled, connecting our hands. "I'm Venus." She nodded. "It's so nice to meet you."

She sounded so mature and it made perfect sense why her and Marco got along. She was in for a treat with Jean, Connie, AND Sasha back together.

"This is Jean's girlfriend." Marco motioned to me. "And this is Jean." He motioned to Jean behind me as he smiled. "Marco's told me a lot about you." She smiled. "It's awesome to meet you guys."

"Oh and the one Connie is currently hugging is Sasha." He pointed passed us. "And the guy behind them is Sasha's boyfriend, Niccolo."

"She wanted to come meet you guys." Marco blushed as he brought a hand to the back of his neck. "Well it's very nice to properly meet you." I smiled.

"Alright, I'm taking Sasha home and I guess you can come too." Connie crossed his arms as he stared at me. I rolled my eyes, "wow, thank you so much." I sarcastically stated as he laughed, grabbing ahold of my suitcase to put into the back of his car. After gathering all our things, it was time to say bye to Jean and honestly this was the part I wasn't looking forward too.

I frowned as he wrapped his strong arms tightly around my body. "I'm gonna miss you so much." He sighed.

"I'll miss you too." I smiled as we leaned back. "Who's gonna rub aloe on my sunburn tonight?" He frowned as I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure Connie would be honored too." I teased. "No, he's gonna smack it for fun." He groaned.

"Let's go Romeo and Juliet, you guys will probably see each other in like two days." Connie groaned as Jean flipped him off. "I love you." He smiled before placing a gentle kiss to my lips. "I love you too. I'll message you when I'm home." I smiled as we said our final goodbyes and went into separate cars.

The ride home was chaotic with Connie and Sasha but in a good way, of course. After what felt like an hour drive, although it was only around 20 minutes, Connie had finally dropped us off and helped us carry our bags up. "So, what do you guys think of Venus? She's hot isn't she?" Connie smirked.

"Dude, don't say that about your friend's girlfriend." I glared. "But you're right." I laughed.

"She seems super mature. Perfect for our Marco!" Sasha smiled, sitting down onto the couch.

"And she has a hot sister." Connie smirked, throwing himself onto the couch next to Sasha.

"Wow, what an important detail." I rolled my eyes, laughing. "So I'm assuming they hit things off at the nightclub?"

"Oh they definitely 'hit things off'." Connie smirked. "But I guess he got her number and they've been talking and they seem super into each other." Connie shrugged. "He just recently asked her to be his girlfriend so we'll see how this goes. She seems genuine."

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