chapter 20

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- i don't really like how this chapter turned out mainly cause it's basically a filler for upcoming chapters but either way i hope you guys enjoy :)

Two weeks moved by quickly as usual. Chaos at the studio, chaos at the apartment. Nothing new other than the fact Niccolo had finally told Sasha he loved her. He came to me for advice, clearly extremely nervous to do it but once he did, I could tell how grateful he was. I don't think I've ever seen Sasha so happy before and it warmed my heart so much. 

It was another super fun Saturday where all I did was lay on the couch, scrolling endlessly through social media, bored out of my mind. Jean hadn't been answering my messages, leaving me even more bored. Sasha sat on the chair next to me, eating a bag of chips as she stared at the tv ahead of her.

The weather outside was rather gloomy, the sky dark as rain non stop poured down. The sound of the drops hitting the balcony was rather loud and honestly made me wanna fall asleep. Unfortunately it was only noon and I had just woken up so a nap wasn't even an option right now.

I was about to sit my phone down when suddenly it dinged. I instantly checked to see if it was Jean only to be surprised to see it was Historia. I clicked on the message to see she added me and 5 others to a group message.

From: queen
Hey girls! I just left the studio after having a meeting with Levi and Hange about some exciting things! All of us were invited on a trip to the beautiful island of Hawaii for a swim suit photo shoot for our aot season 4 magazine we'll be releasing! It'll be for a week and we'll be staying in a private beach house right by the water!

From: the baddest bitch
That's awesome!

From: my wife
Hell yeah!

From: my gf
Shit, I'm down as long as I get to see (y/n) in a bikini ;)

To: the girls
We should meet up and discuss everything later! & come kiss me, Hitch.

From: queen
Yes! I was thinking the same thing.

From: queen
The meeting up thing, not Hitch and (y/n) kissing.

To: the girls
Let's meet up at Sasha and I's around 6!

From: the baddest bitch
I'll see you guys then!

From: mrs. arlert
I'll be there!

From: gf #2
Sounds good!

Sasha and I both looked up from our phones excitedly as we stood from our spots. "Oh my god! I'm so excited!" I smiled as she nodded. "Me too! It's been forever since we've done a photo shoot AND now we get to go back to Hawaii too?! I love being rich." She smiled, shoving a handful of chips into her mouth.

"I have to tell Jean!" I stated as she started running down the hall, her chips still in hand.  "Finally, an excuse to go see Niccolo." She cheered as I rolled my eyes, laughing.

I decided since Sasha was going to Niccolo's that I'd just head over to Jean's considering he wasn't answering my messages anyway. The drive was almost too relaxing as the rain slammed against the roof of my car, the city vacant except for a few people who pushed through with umbrellas above their heads. I had stopped and picked up smoothies for the boys, well for myself but I knew if I got myself one Jean and Connie would act like kids and whine that I didn't include them.

I made my way out of the elevator and onto the floor of the boy's shared apartment. My clothes were slightly damp from the short walk from the parking garage to the lobby.

I made my way to their door before knocking against the wood. I didn't know for sure if they were even awake cause normally that's why Jean wouldn't answer but I was wrong as Marco opened the door, a large smile on his face. "Hey!" He motioned for me to come in and in almost an instant I wish I would've just stayed home and minded my business... not really but I didn't even know what to think.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now