chapter 45 (nsfw)

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-hello my lovessss. here's basically a little filler chapter. anyway, there's a few important notes at the end that i really need you guys to read but for now, enjoy the chapter :)

I opened my eyes, the bright sunlight coming in through the large window blinding me for a brief moment. I groaned, rolling over so I wasn't facing the light, only to realize Jean wasn't in bed.

It was just another Saturday morning with a busy day ahead. We had exactly two weeks before we went back to work so we decided today would be the best day to do the sleepover that the girls and I had planned.

I glanced over at the clock, the time reading '10:17 am', my phone still sitting on the nightstand plugged in.

As I adjusted to being awake more, I could hear loud music coming from the other side of the door, closer to the kitchen area. "It's a little early... don't ya think?" I mumbled to myself, sitting up to stretch out my body and crack my stiff back before reaching over and grabbing my pill, along with a plan b considering Jean hadn't been doing a good job at pulling out...

I had managed to move out of the comfortable sheets, not really wanting to but I was curious as to why Jean would blare music so early in the morning when normally he'd lay in bed til I got up.

I didn't bother putting anymore clothes on, just sticking with Jean's plain white shirt and my underwear. I made my way over to the bathroom, flicking on the light before examining my tired expression. "He's definitely lying to me when he tells me I'm beautiful first thing in the morning." I said to myself, lazily grabbing my tooth brush that sat off to the side.

After brushing my teeth, washing my face, and cleaning myself up a little bit, I made my way out of the bathroom and went over to our bedroom door, leaving it open as I left the room and went down the small hallway that lead to the living room, the music growing louder as I paced closer.

As I entered the lounge area, my gaze turned towards the kitchen where Jean stood in nothing but his briefs along with an apron placed upon his body.

The aroma of pancakes and bacon filled the air as he stood in front of the stove, not noticing that I had entered the room until the song had ended and there was a moment of silence, my footsteps now noticeable as he turned to me, a smile instantly making its way onto his face and what made it even more adorable was his messy hair, the small apron, and the spatula he held in hand.

Not even a second later, the music started back up, Uptown Girl by Billy Joel now blasting through the speakers making Jean's smile grow even bigger before he pointed the spatula towards me. "C'mere." He motioned before I stepped closer, not expecting him to toss the spatula to the side and place one hand against my hip, the other guiding my arm up so our fingers could intertwine. "This is another song my dad used to sing to my mom." He smiled, bringing my arm up to spin me around before guiding my body back to his. "And now, I shall sing it to you." He said softly, placing a sweet kiss to my lips.

I smiled, leaning into his touch as he began moving our bodies in sync to the music, every lyric falling from his lips as he moved to the rhythm, dipped my body, span me around, swayed in every direction around the kitchen in the most cheesy way possible.

My heart was pounding as I examined the perfect smile that sat upon his face. 9 months later and I still wonder how I got so lucky to have such a perfect man.

It all felt so domestic. These past few weeks living with him showed his mother truly did an amazing job at raising him to become the sweetest man. He constantly helped with little tasks, refused to let me pay for any of the groceries despite me telling him I didn't mind, he also didn't use living with me as an excuse to put in less effort. Still bringing me small gifts and flowers, still enjoying every second he could with me, still reminding me every second just how much I mean to him.

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