birthday special (nsfw)

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- this isn't a chapter although it's still connected to the story. it's just a special for jean's 22nd birthday. so it's still in the same timeline, just in the future if that makes sense :)  pls enjoy

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times before squinting my eyes shut once more, the room rather bright. Jean's strong arms were wrapped tightly around me, his phone in hand as he scrolled through tik tok, his phone volume unreasonably loud.

I groaned, shutting my eyes once more. I felt him shift before locking his phone, the sound of it hitting the bed making me open my eyes again to look up at him. "Good morning." He smiled.

"Happy birthday, handsome." I smiled.

Jean's grip tightened as he held me close. "Tonight's gonna be so fun." He laughed.

"I know, I'm excited." I yawned. "We're gonna have a busy day." I said softly as he loosened the hug before looking down at me. "What all do we have planned?" He asked.

"Well, I'm taking you out for breakfast, then we have dinner with your parents in the evening,  and after that we'll get ready to go out." I brought my hand to his chest, tracing his tattoos. "Do you want your present?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Babe, I told you I didn't want anything." He laughed.

"Did you really think I wasn't gonna get you something?" I rolled my eyes, sitting up. "You'll love it. Close your eyes." I pointed as he rolled his eyes before shutting them, an excited smile on his face.

I stood from the bed, walking over to my closet and opening the door. I flicked the light on, walking in and removing the gift from its hiding spot. I made my way back out before going back over to the bed, sitting down. Jean held his arms out, motioning his hands a few times for me to hand it to him. I laughed, placing it into his grip as he opened his eyes.

He examined it, his eyes softening as he smiled. "Babe..."

"Do you like it? It's a big picture of us made out of a bunch of smaller pictures of us! Marco and Sasha helped me edit the whole thing." I smiled as he leaned in closer, looking at the smaller photos within the collage. "Please, why'd you include that one of us when we were 15?" He laughed. "I was so small. No wonder you thought I was so lame."

"You were adorable." I smiled. "There's a bunch of old photos in there."

"What if we got together back then? Ya think we'd still be sitting here right now?" He asked, averting his gaze from the photo, back to me.

I softly smiled, "Probably." I moved, going back to cuddling into his side, my eyes going to the picture. "I think things worked out how they were supposed to though... but if I could go back, I'd definitely tell younger me to go for it." I laughed.

"And she'd definitely think you're insane." He teased, gently placing the photo on the floor, leaning it against the nightstand before turning back to me, moving so he was on top of me, his arms on both sides of my head. "Thank you." He smiled, leaning down to connect our lips into a sweet kiss. My hands reached up, my fingers lacing through his soft mullet, pulling him close to keep our lips together. He grabbed ahold of my thigh, lifting my leg up around his waist, his tongue moving across my bottom lip before slipping into my mouth, deepening the kiss. He groaned into the kiss, his breathing getting heavier as he gripped onto my thigh.

I sighed as his kisses moved to my neck, biting down into my skin. "Jean. We have stuff to do." I smiled as he brought his head up. "I know." He said softly, leaning down to kiss my nose. "But later?" He asked as I rolled my eyes. "You act like I'd say no." I laughed.

Jean and I eventually cleaned up and made ourselves look somewhat decent before I took him out to a small cafe that was nearby for breakfast. Jean of course insisting he pay but I was persistent on not letting him and he surprisingly caved in.

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