chapter 15

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The days off seemed to move by so quickly. After coming home from Jean's parents we spent a couple nights out and hanging out with Marco until Sasha and Connie had returned back from their trips. Sasha instantly spent multiple nights with Niccolo whom she clearly missed very much. Jean and I had also visited my family which was actually a lot of fun. Jean was nervous of course but in the end everything worked out.

We only had about 4 days left before we had to return back to work and I honestly didn't want it to end. Next episode would be the beginning of us filming Assassin's Bullet and I knew even on set I was going to cry like a baby even though Sasha wasn't actually going to die. Just the simple thought of losing my best friend was enough to make me shed a tear.

I laid on the couch, the tv on as it played in the background, my face buried in the bright screen of my phone. A bottle of Pink Whitney and Malibu sat on the coffee table, untouched as I waited for a certain friend to come over so we could get drunk and act like idiots together.

The glass doors to the balcony sat open, letting the warm night air move into the apartment to create a comfortable atmosphere. The sound of the hot tub running could be heard from outside as my bathing suit clung to my body, Jean's t-shirt over top to keep my skin from being completely cold.

I smiled, watching Jean's snap story of him and the boys out at some random club, along with multiple snaps he's personally sent to me of decorative plants around the bar with random captions like 'this made me think of you'. I laughed, knowing he was probably already drunk considering the context made no sense. The small bubble loaded in again and I quickly clicked the red square to open another photo of him, a huge grin on his face with the caption 'I louv yoi'. I screenshot the image, knowing I could use it to my advantage at one point before replying with the correct spelling of 'I love you'.

Seconds later I had received a message from Connie that made the smile on my face widen.

From: Connie
'Dude, he won't shut up about you. You got my man whipped.'

To: Connie
'As he should be'

I laughed, sending the response before I heard the sound of the doorbell ring, knocking me out of my focus on the phone in my hands. I sat up from the couch, tossing my phone to the other end before placing my feet onto the cold tile floor and making my way over to the door, swinging it open to reveal Hitch. I motioned for her to enter which she gladly did, her hands filled with her purse and a bag of spare clothes along with a bottle of Hennessy.

I shut the door, watching as she sat everything onto the island that was centered in the kitchen before a sigh of relief left her lips. "Girl, I am so happy you invited me over." She paused, removing her shirt from her body to reveal her bikini top. "Marlo and Floch were getting on my nerves." She groaned, rolling her shirt into a ball before shoving it into her bag.

"What happened?" I asked, pulling Jean's shirt over my head, tossing it onto one of the bar stools.

She gave me the typical 'you should already know' look before pulling her shorts down her legs. "They're currently drunk while playing that fucking car soccer game or whatever it is while screaming at each other from the opposite rooms and I just cannot handle it." She laughed as she pulled her shorter hair into a lower bun. "Living with them is like being a mother."

I smiled, shaking my head. "I feel like that's how Marco feels sometimes." I laughed before making my way over to the coffee table to grab my phone and the other two bottles of alcohol. Hitch playfully rolled her eyes before we made our way outside and instantly got ourselves situated into the warm steamy water.  My shoulders instantly relaxing as I felt the jets hit my back.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now