chapter 10

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My eyes slowly opened, my open curtains letting in the blinding sunlight. The ringing of my phone on the nightstand slowly getting louder as I became more aware of reality.

I leaned over, my arm reaching out of the covers, the cold air sending goosebumps across my bare skin. My eyes widened, now more awake than I was at the realization I was naked. I looked over my shoulder to see Jean whom was sound asleep, his bare back facing me as he lightly snored.

I smiled softly to myself before turning back to reach for my phone, barely grabbing it but I was too lazy to move any closer. I looked at the screen to see it was Marco calling. I quickly answered, raising the phone to my ear before speaking. "Hey." I said softly, not wanting to wake the male beside me.

"Good morning!" I could tell Marco was definitely more awake than I was but then again he was always going to bed at a normal time and always woke up early to jog so it didn't surprise me. "I had to go pick Connie up and I figured since we were out we'd get Jean too. Just wanted to let you know we're here. We tried calling him but I'm assuming his phones dead." Marco laughed softly.

"I'll get him up." I yawned. "Give him like 10-15 minutes and he'll be down."

"Sounds good!" Marco stated before we hung up the call. I threw my phone back onto the nightstand, heavily sighing. "I don't want you to leave." I pout to myself, knowing he couldn't hear me.

I moved my body closer to the male, placing my hand gently on his shoulder, shaking lightly. "Jean." I said softly.

"Hmmm." He hummed, his eyes still closed.

"Marco is here to get you." I whispered.

"Tell him to go away." He mumbled before rolling over, reaching his arm out to grab my waist and pull me down into his arms.

"Come on, I told him you'd be down in like 10 minutes." I laughed softly, Jean's eyes still closed as he was still half asleep.

His body was warm, our bare skin touching as I laid in his grip. I brought my hands up and laid them gently upon his toned chest. Tracing the ink that was permanently placed upon his pale skin. "You're so perfect." I smiled.

"So are you." He mumbled.

I laughed before looking up at him. "Open your eyes dummy."

"Why did Marco have to come so early?" He groaned, bringing one of his hands up to wipe his eyes as they slowly opened. He brought his hand back down, placing it on my bare hip, using his thumb to rub gentle circles into my skin as he finally looked down at me, a lazy smile making its way onto his face. "You're so beautiful."

My cheeks turned a light pink as I buried my face into his chest. "Stop." I said softly, knowing I had to of looked an absolute mess.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked.

"The last thing I remember was Marco shutting the bedroom door and then you riding me and the rest is a blur." He laughed softly.

I looked back up at him, rolling my eyes. "Of course you remember that." I smiled.

"How could I forget?" He smirked, bringing his hand down to grab my ass, squeezing softly as I brought my leg up to wrap around his waist.

"Jean, as much as I'd love to just feel all over you right now, Marco is waiting outside for you." I laughed, patting his chest.

He rolled his eyes, dramatically moving his arms off me before moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Whateverrrrr. Guess you hate me now." He pouted, standing up to grab his underwear that had been thrown on the floor from last nights activities.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now