when it's all over

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10 months...

10 long, exciting, and exhausting months.

After the final premier, Jean and I stayed in New York for a few days before we flew back home. Right after that, it was right back to work at the studio.

But as always, those days passed quickly. Another 3 months flew by before any of us knew it and finally we were on our small break in between. Jean and I collectively agreed to take things the more exciting route and go to Tokyo for our anniversary.

The 11 hour flight was exhausting but once we arrived it was 100% worth it. The hotel was extremely nice and overlooked the large city. It was different but Jean and I were excited nonetheless. The only thing we were worried most about was the language barrier but Jean knew a little bit of Japanese due to past interviews so we made do with what we could.

"So, what will we be doing first?" I asked, turning to Jean who was pulling his hair in a half bun since it's grown so much longer than before, barely holding onto the mullet style.

"We're gonna go to that little coffee shop and then the arcade." He smiled. "They're a lot cooler than the ones in the US."

"Are we still going to that club later?" I asked as he nodded. "Maybe but I kinda wanna visit the park cause apparently it's beautiful and I guess they're having fireworks out there tonight so it'll be nice." He smiled. "So, actually, we can go to the club tomorrow night if that's cool?" He asked.

"I'm down." I smiled. "Anyway, is this skirt cute?" I asked, doing a little spin for Jean who lazily smiled. "I love it. The pink is cute on you."

"Should I wear the black top or the white one? Also which jacket should I wear?" I held up the clothes as Jean examined them, making a decision. "I like the white one and is that my hoodie?" He pointed to the jacket as I slowly shook my head. "I just happen to have the same one." I smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Okay, sure. Anyway, I like my jacket on you." He nodded.

"Good cause this is the one I wanted to wear." I laughed. "Oh, I almost forgot. We never called Connie back earlier." I pointed out.

"Oh shit, yeah." He pulled out his phone, sitting down onto the bed as I did the same, watching as he FaceTimed Connie who seconds later, answered. "Hello, my parents-" "don't call us that." Jean laughed.

"I'll call you what I want." Connie snickered. "Anyway, I had something very important to show you!" He smiled before calling for Sumo, whom he was watching for us. "Look, he loves these." Connie reached into a bag of salt and vinegar chips, handing one to our dog who happily took it. "Bro, he likes them more than his snacks." Connie laughed. "He also likes vanilla ice cream too."

"Connie..." Jean sighed. "Dude, I hope you're giving him his dog food too."

"Well, duh. Also do you guys care if Nova and I have sex in the guest bedroom?" He asked.

"We should've just let my mom watch him." Jean looked over to me as I laughed, looking back at the phone. "If you clean it up, I don't care. Also, keep Sumo out of there while you do it or he'll just sit and watch like a weirdo."

"Sick," Connie nodded, putting the camera back towards Sumo who was already massive despite not even being fully grown. "Oh yeah, Marco and Venus are coming over later too cause I'm bored." He smiled.

"Alright," I nodded. "We're gonna go now. Please feed him normal food and we'll call you later." I smiled as he waved before lifting Sumo's paw in a waving motion, the dog giving him a confused look before we hung up the call.

"Told you having him watch Sumo wasn't the best idea." I laughed, standing from the bed.

"I mean, it's better than Sasha who straight fed him chocolate as if it were okay." He sighed, standing up. "Anyway, let's go." He held his hand out for me to take before we gathered our things and made our way out.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now