chapter 25 (nsfw)

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- i literally can't defend myself 🧍🏻‍♀️ but this is the last nsfw chapter for a min so enjoy 💃🏻

"Hey." I heard a voice whisper as I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. "No." I mumbled, rolling over more.

"Babe." I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, lightly shaking me. I frowned, pulling the covers further up my body. "Stop." I whined.

"Fine, I'll just give your coffee to Sasha." He teased as I opened my eyes, turning to look at him as I frowned. "You wouldn't."

He rolled his eyes, laughing before reaching over, sitting the iced coffee onto the nightstand. "Look." He smiled, holding up a small bouquet of flowers. "I have no clue what they are but they're pretty and made me think of you so I bought them." He held them out to me.

I smiled, wiping my tired eyes as I rolled over, reaching up to grab the flowers from his hands. "They're yellow hibiscus." I said softly. "Thank you." I smiled.

"Niccolo, Armin, and I woke up pretty early so we went out for a little bit. I'm surprised I didn't wake you up when I left." He laughed.

"I was tired. We stayed up late." I smiled, remembering last night and how we were out on the beach til probably 3 in the morning just dancing to music and drinking together. I was honestly surprised he was even awake.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up, placing the flowers gently on the nightstand before picking up the coffee. "It's 8. I figured I'd just get you up now since you have to be up at 10 anyway." He replied, reaching his hand out and placing it atop of mine, running his thumb across my skin.

"There's a large difference between 8 and 10." I laughed, placing the coffee back down. "I could've slept in more." I pout before reaching my arms out. "Come on." I motioned for him to come to me as he smiled, moving his body so he was fully on the bed before he wrapped his large arms around me, turning so he laid on the bed, my body on top of his as he hugged me. "Jean. You're squeezing me." I choked out as he laughed, loosening his grip. "Sorry." He kissed my forehead. "If you wanna go back to sleep you can. I just wanted to see you for a minute." He whispered, gently rubbing my back. I smiled to myself, closing my eyes before cuddling into him. "Wake me up at 10." I mumbled before falling back asleep.

Jean didn't have to wake me up as I did it on my own. I opened my eyes to see I was still on top of his body. I brought my head up slightly, turning to see he was playing on his switch. He paused when he noticed I was up, looking down at me. "You still got 10 minutes." He laughed, placing his switch down, wrapping his arms around me. "Let's just lay here all day." I sighed, breathing in the smell of his cologne.

He laughed. "You've got bikinis to put on and photos to take." His hand paused against my back. "Actually I just remembered... yeah, let's just lay here."

I laughed, knowing exactly why his attitude changed. "What? Don't wanna see your best friend today?" I teased as he groaned. "Haha, very funny." He pushed my body off before crawling on top of me. "You wanna get tickled?" He threatened, raising an eyebrow.

"You wanna get kicked in the dick?" I crossed my arms.

"That'll be your loss, babe." He leaned down, kissing my nose before pushing himself off the bed, standing up before stretching out his arms, his shirt lifting ever so slightly.

"Morning sex?" I smirked as he turned around. "You have to get ready." He laughed. "Or I would." He smiled softly, walking towards the bathroom and flicking on the light before turning to the mirror as he began fixing his hair. I stood from the bed, making my way over to him. "Can you promise me something?" I asked, picking up my toothbrush and toothpaste from the sink.

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