chapter 13 (nsfw)

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Small note: this chapter contains spoilers for s4 episode 8! Nothing major, just a small mention  of it towards the end but it's a pretty big spoiler.

The next morning went by quickly. We all went out and grabbed lunch at a small coffee shop by our hotel before coming back to get ready. We had to leave early for pictures and to rehearse where we'd walk so everything was in order. Plus our managers were super picky about who we had to walk with and what we said, not wanting us to give away any major spoilers for upcoming episodes, which was totally understandable.

I laced my heels, placing my foot back down onto the soft hotel carpet before standing off the bed. I made my way back into the connected bathroom to look at my makeup and hair once more before we left.

I shut the bathroom light off before exiting, closing the door behind me. I grabbed my purse off the bed before walking out of the room and into the lounge area that connected to the kitchen.

Niccolo sat on the couch while Jean and Connie leaned against the kitchen island, both of them ready as they just waited for Sasha and I.

"I'm ready." I smiled as the three males turned their gazes to me. Jean and Connie's faces both turned red as they both stared in awe. "Dude, you look hot." Connie spoke as Jean just nodded, agreeing with his friend's statement. "You two look pretty handsome yourselves." I laughed as I approached them, Jean instantly grabbing my waist and pulling me against him. He leaned down to kiss me but I quickly placed my hand on his chest, stopping him. "Woah cowboy, as much as I'd love to kiss you right now, I can't ruin my makeup." I laughed as Jean's lips fell into a pout, his eyebrows furrowing as he dramatically let go of my waist, crossing his arms into a pout. "I don't wanna mess up my makeup." He mocked, as Connie placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "It'll be okay man." He playfully reassured.

The boy's dramatics was interrupted when the bedroom door from upstairs clicked shut, Sasha appearing as she walked down the stairs. 

She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was down from it's usually ponytail and placed upon her body was a long, dark green dress, the heels that sat on her feet were identical to mine.

Niccolo smiled, immediately sitting up at the sight of his girlfriend. "Wow." He said softly, his eyes following her every move as she made her way down the stairs and over towards the couch. Niccolo jumped to his feet, quickly pulling her into a sweet kiss.

"Oh he gets a kiss but I can't have one?" Jean pout again, shoving past me to walk away. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior, grabbing his arm and forcing him to turn around. "What are yo-" I cut him off as I pulled him down by his shirt collar, connecting our lips.

"You won't be a fifth wheel." Connie mocked.

We broke apart as Sasha laughed, her and Niccolo making their way over to us. I turned to Connie, rolling my eyes. "You want a kiss?" I teased.

"Yes." He smirked as Jean reached over, smacking his head. "Watch it." Jean growled, glaring at his friend.

"She offered." Connie brought his hands up in defense as Jean rolled his eyes. "I was joking." I frowned, grabbing my phone to check the time. "The limo should be here within the next couple minutes." I informed.

Niccolo turned to Sasha. "I'll have dinner ready when you get back later." He smiled.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you not going to the after party?" I frowned, knowing parties were never as fun without her.

She shook her head, a sympathetic look on her face. "No. I'm just not really in the mood to be out late tonight."

"More like you wanna be alone with your boyfriend." Connie mumbled under his breath but it was still loud enough for us to hear. "And there's nothing wrong with that." I defended earning a smile from the girl.

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