chapter 7

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Half the week flew by rather quickly. Thursday rolled around the corner as we were on our 4th day of filming. Even after multiple days I was still thinking about Jean but I suppressed it as much as I could in order to get stuff done at work.

I stood still as Erwin stood behind me, hooking up the ceiling wires so I could use the odm gear without dying. He tightened the harness and I gasped, not expecting it to be pulled on. "Sorry." He mumbled, finishing the last bit of attachments before tugging tightly onto the wires to make sure they wouldn't pull off. "You should be good." I turned around, looking up at him. "Thanks." I softly smiled as he nodded before making his way over to Levi to help him next.

"Hey!" Armin approached me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "They need ya in position so they can pull you up." He smiled softly. I nodded before following him over to one of the taller prop roofs we had sitting on top of the large green screen curtains.

"Alright, take 1!" One of the crew mates yelled, the clapperboard smacking as we started to film.

Almost an hour later, we still didn't get the scene down, Connie and I both getting tired of being continuously pulled into the air. To be fair though Connie was the one who kept messing up as he kept either dropping the light off the tower or kept flicking it on and off.

"Connie come on it's not even that funny." I bit my lip, trying to avoid laughing as Connie and Sasha were dying.

"Back in positions!" We were instructed as Connie fell to his knees dying of laughter.

"Come on." I laughed. "We're gonna get in trouble and I don't want Levi to start getting pissy." I grabbed Connie's arm, making him stand up before we both got into positions once more.

We got back in our spots as we were instructed. Connie swooped up onto the building and did his scene with Sasha. They released me so I could swoop down in when suddenly I heard a snap and I felt myself loosen a little too fast. Suddenly I was falling pretty far to the ground, my mind went blank as I heard Connie and multiple others yell my name.

"Fuck." I said to myself as I fell. I wasn't worried, these things happened on set and I knew someone would catch me, and they did. I opened my eyes to see Eren holding me, breathing heavy, indicating he ran to get here.

"Thanks." I smiled as Eren breathed out a "no problem."

Suddenly as Eren went to put me down, a fist collided with his cheek, almost dropping me to the floor until I felt another pair of strong arms around me.

I shoved myself out of his arms, my brows furrowing at the male before me. "What the fuck, horse face!?" Eren growled, grabbing his cheek that burned red.

I scowled at Jean, raising an eyebrow before taking my hand, smacking him right across his face.

Jean's jaw dropped as he grabbed his cheek, the angered expression he had on his face a second ago now a hurt one. "What the hell was that about?!" I yelled.

"Woah woah woah." Connie and Sasha came over along with Armin, Erwin, and Levi followed by multiple crew mates.

"Oi, back up." Levi pushed through, pulling me away from Jean and over by Eren.

"I-I'm sorry. I just." Jean's hands moved to his ears, something he always did when he was upset. "I don't know why I- Eren I-" Levi sternly cut Jean off. "Let's go." He motioned for Jean to follow and the taller male did. Judging by the direction they were going I knew he was taking him to one of our managers office and I knew this wasn't gonna end good.

"We're taking a break." Erwin stated as the medics came over, taking a look at Eren and I. I was okay and nothing was hurt from the fall. Eren's jaw was bruised and red from Jean's fist.

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