chapter 33

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- so uh. pls disregard me saying y/n is a side character in the first chapter. i didn't know where the story would go at the time but clearly miss girl isn't a side character😂
-also this is kind of a filler for more upcoming chapters but either way enjoy 😚

We soon pulled into the parking garage of Jean's apartment building and found a spot. "Now, before we get out, you sure you don't wanna go park somewhere?" He smirked, running his hand up my thigh.

"Babe, I'd love to but I'm extremely sore." I crossed my arms as he laughed. "And it doesn't help that you're not easy. She needs a break." I rolled my eyes as he leaned in, a cocky smirk on his face. "What if I kiss it better?"

"Jean." I sternly said his name. "Give me a few days to recover and then I promise we can have sex in the new car." I grabbed my purse, opening the door before standing out of the car, Jean doing the same. "A few days?!" He dramatically stated, his voice echoing throughout the large garage.

"You'll be okay." I laughed. "Your hand will do fine." I teased as he grit his teeth. "This is bullying." He crossed his arms as we continued to make our way out. "Not really." I laughed.

Jean continued to pout as we made our way in the elevator and up to his floor. As we approached he opened the door to his apartment before moving to the side to let me go in first. Connie sat on the couch, his headset on and his controller in hand. Next to him sat who I'm guessing was Nova herself and I could've sworn she had a death wish judging by her next words. "Heyyyyy, Jean boy." She waved.

"Woah, woah, hold the fuck up." I pointed at the small girl. "His name is Jean to you. You can stop with the nicknames now." I glared as she raised an eyebrow before giving me a weird look as she looked me up and down, almost as if to challenge me. "And who are you?" She crossed her arms, sitting up from her spot.

"(Y/n)." I sarcastically smiled. "Or you may know me as Jean's girlfriends, or future wife, or the mother of his kids, or the bitch that's gonna beat your a-" "woaaaah, okay babe and you said my temper was bad." Jean awkwardly laughed as he stepped in front of me.

"Control her." Nova's eyes averted to Jean and I went to step around him and speak but he placed his arm out to stop me. "Relax," he calmly stated before looking back to the girl next to Connie. "Don't talk about her like that." He sternly stated. "And please stop calling me all these nicknames."

"The fuck is your guys' deal?" Connie moved his headset over as he glanced between Jean and I.

"My deal?!" I came around Jean. "My deal is I'm being blatantly disrespected." I looked over at Nova. "He's not your stallion and he sure as hell isn't your Jean boy and he's not your 'cutie' to show off so keep him the fuck off your social media and keep his number out of your phone or we're gonna have problems." I glared as Nova froze up, clearly not expecting me to call her out.

"Dude, that's not cool." Connie frowned.

"Come on, just let it go." Jean whispered as he guided my body to his bedroom.

He shut his bedroom door behind him before his lips slowly curled up into a smile. I tossed my bag onto the floor before raising an eyebrow. "The fuck are you smiling for?" I asked as he smiled even harder. "You're jealous."

"Why the fuck would I be jealous of some whiny ass pick me girl? The bitch has to giggle and use nicknames to get attention." I rolled my eyes. "She just doesn't need to be calling you stallion and Jean boy especially. I should've kicked her ass for that one." I pointed. "And Connie doesn't even seem bothered by it!?"

"He's also super flirty so he doesn't see anything wrong." Jean shrugged before pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the floor. "I'd be careful though. You don't want to make Venus upset that you don't like her sister."

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