chapter 4 (nsfw)

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"I'm exhausted." I groaned, laying my head against Jean's shoulder.

We all sat at a booth at I hop. Sasha hadn't forgotten about my promise of course, waking me up at 8 am to go get her pancakes.

"No need to be so cranky, this was your idea after all." Connie pointed out, sipping his orange juice.

"Yeah but I was expecting at around 10.. not 8." I closed my eyes, pulling the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands before placing them between my thighs, trying to keep my hands warm.

"Hey, I know for a fact I got less sleep than you and I'm wide awake!" Connie smiled.

"How many energy drinks have you had this morning?" I raised an eyebrow, opening my eyes to look at Connie.

"3." He stated quickly.

"Exactly." I groaned, closing my eyes again before leaning further into Jean's shoulder, removing my hands from my thighs to wrap around his arm.

"I hope you're comfy." Jean moved his shoulder slightly.

Soon the waitress came by and took our orders, Sasha ordering an excessive amount as per usual.  We ate our food and talked away, my exhaustion slowly going away as I chugged my coffee. After watching Connie fail to attempt to hit on the waitress and paying our bill we finally drove off and made our way over to the studio where we'd spend the rest of our day.

We entered the large building, the cold air hitting us and the sound of people talking filled the room.

"Hey guys! I made peanut butter squares if you guys want some." Historia smiled sweetly as she greeted us. "They're over on the table." She pointed behind her.

Sasha immediately ran past us and to the table earning a chuckle from Marco and Historia. "I'll go make sure she leaves some for the rest of us." Connie groaned, making his way over to Sasha.

Marco left to go help Armin with something and Ymir of course grabbed Historia's attention, leaving Jean and I.

"Help me put my uniform on." I turned, looking up at the male. He raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. "You can't get one of the girls to do it?"

"No one else is here yet to do it besides Historia and Ymir got mad the last time and it was terrifying so I'd prefer not have her do it." I shivered at the memory of Ymir getting mad at me. I never wanted to go through that again.

"Fine." Jean groaned. "Don't expect it to be perfect though." He motioned to his wrapped hand.

"You can do it tough guy, besides it's on the back of your hand so it shouldn't be too bad." I laughed, pulling him into my dressing room and shutting the door, locking the latch so no one would walk in on me getting dressed.

Jean walked over and grabbed my black body suit off the hanger. I quickly sat my bags down and threw my hair up so it'd be out of the way when I changed. He handed me the suit and changed direction to grab the neatly hung straps off the rack where multiple other outfits I'd worn on the show hung.

I removed my shoes before throwing my hoodie and t shirt off in one swift motion moving onto my shorts, taking those off too.

I turned to see Jean stopped in his place. The hanger in his hand as his mouth hung open in shock. I rolled my eyes at his actions. "We've had sex Jean there's no need to stare at me like a horny teenage boy, now hand me my-" I was cut off when suddenly his lips were on mine. My eyes shot open, not expecting the bold approach. I thought for a moment, wanting to kiss back but hesitated when I remembered where we were and what we were supposed to be doing.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now