chapter 37 (nsfw)

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-sorry this chapter is a little late either way i hope you guys enjoy :)

"I just wanna be done now." Jean threw his head back, placing the cold water bottle against his forehead.

"Don't do that, you'll mess up your makeup." I playfully smacked his arm as he leaned back forward, an exhausted look on his face.

We'd been taking pictures for the past 4 hours now and finally had gotten a break. Sasha and Connie sat on one of the benches eating while Jean and I sat on the opposite one. Mikasa, Armin, and Eren were currently getting their photos done while we sat down for a little bit. We still had another 4 hours to go before we'd be done for the day and honestly I couldn't wait for it to be over with. Not because I was tired or anything though. I didn't mind the photo shoot... what I minded was Kendra's slimy ass taking every chance she could to touch Jean. Touching up his makeup every second she could, adjusting his uniform, fixing his hair, and I could tell it made him uncomfortable but this was her job so there was not a single thing we could do.

"Here, I'll fix it." She smiled, going to apply more foundation to Jean's forehead but I reached over, grabbing ahold of her wrist. "His makeup is fine." I pushed her hand back. "You've touched him enough today." I glared as she frowned. "I'm just doing my job." She mumbled.

"I'm sure it's okay, no worries." Jean awkwardly laughed as Kendra backed away. "Okay." She softly smiled at Jean who gently moved his arm around me, pulling me closer to him to reassure me it was fine.

"Kendra! They need you down on studio B." One of the photographers stated as she nodded. "Sure thing." She turned to us for a second before waving. "See ya!"

"She looked terrified when you grabbed her." Connie and Sasha both started laughing, Jean letting out a subtle laugh next to me.

"She thinks she's slick." I crossed my arms. "She hasn't touched anyone else this entire fucking day." I groaned.

"You have a lot of self control." Sasha laughed.

"I'm trying to be the mature one here but she's making it incredibly hard." I sighed. "And you aren't telling her to back off very much." I glared over at Jean who rolled his eyes. "We're at work, what do you want me to do? Punch her?"

"I mean, yeah." I nodded as he laughed. "You are something else."

"Break times over." Levi came over to us, pointing to the set. "Sasha and (y/n), it's time for you guys and Mikasa." He nodded as Sasha and I stood up.

"Hey, at least give me a kiss before you walk away." Jean whined as I rolled my eyes, turning around to give him a quick kiss before heading over to the set up.

I was placed to the right of Mikasa, Sasha to the left of her as Levi adjusted the thunder spears onto my wrist so we could get into position. "Alright, you know the timing of the flashes and the rules," the photographer started, adjusting the camera. "If you wanna restart, you know the signal."

Levi backed away before I got into my spot, the three of us already having a general idea of the poses we'd do when the timer started.

My gaze averted to Kendra who had reentered the room and, of course, made her way over to the empty spot next to Jean, sitting down next to him as if I wasn't even in the room.

Jean glanced at her for a second, nodding his head before his eyes shifted back over to me, our gazes locking. 'I love you.' He mouthed as I softly smiled. "Alright, 1- 2- 3-" the photographer motioned his hand, signaling for us to start.

As the three of us continued to change our stances, I kept an eye on Kendra and every move she made. She kept attempting to hold conversation with him but Jean's eyes were glued to me and every subtle move I made. Everything was fine until I watched her gently place her hand onto his thigh before she looked over at me, checking to see if I was looking and just as Jean went to move her hand off of himself, I gave her a warning look and immediately she pulled her hand back.

when it's all over | jean k.♡Where stories live. Discover now