chapter 48 (nsfw)

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- first, i don't wanna see not a single comment saying anything in this chapter is cringe🤨 if you don't like romantic stuff, that's your problem not mine.

- next chapter is the final moments meaning this is the final nsfw chapter and i wrote it just for y'all. pls enjoy :)

Another month had gone by since Jean and I had gotten Sumo and it has been nothing but fun.

We convinced one of our managers and Levi to let us have him on set and finally, they agreed. He mainly slept the whole time or kept Gabi and Falco entertained while the others filmed.

I was officially done filming for the rest of the season so I also just stuck around and helped with little things like makeup and cleaning up afterwards. Nothing too exciting but I was still happy to just be here and work with everyone.

The most current exciting thing was the fact we were packing for our trip to New York for the premier. We left later this evening and the premier would be held the following day, followed by our final premier party which Jean was the most excited for.

"Look what I got him, babe." Jean smiled, entering our bedroom. He held Sumo up, a small scouts cape tied around his fluffy neck. "He's joined the survey corps." Sumo barked, his tail happily wagging.

"He seems to love it." I laughed, folding one of my shirts before throwing it into my suitcase. "Do you have all your stuff packed?" I asked as Jean's smile fell. "No.... I was putting his cape on."

I laughed, holding my arms out. "Give him to me. You need to get ready. We leave in 4 hours."

"I can get ready and hold him." Jean frowned, pulling Sumo closer to him, the puppy reaching up to lick Jean's cheek. "See, he's perfectly fine right here."

"Okay, go ahead and hold the 45lb puppy while attempting to pack." I laughed. "Come on, give him to me. You've had him all morning." I motioned for Jean to hand me the puppy but he shook his head, turning to go towards our closet. "Nope," he turned back for a moment. "You cuddle him every night, you get him at the studio, he also lays on your lap in the evening when that was in fact MY spot." Jean pointed. "So, I get to hold him now and I want no complaints."

"Just get your stuff packed." I laughed. "What time is your mom coming?"

"She's on her way now." He made his way out of our closet, rolling his suitcase with him. "There's no evidence that we have sex laying anywhere right? I wouldn't want my mom to know we do that."

"Jean... you literally told your dad." I glared.

"I didn't tell him! He guessed it." Jean pointed. "My poor mother doesn't need to know."

"Right, cause I'm so sure she thinks we're waiting til marriage." I shook my head. "Anyway, did you go out and get Sumo some more dog food like I asked? He needs it for the few days we'll be gone."

"Shit," Jean groaned. "No, I forgot." He placed Sumo down. "I'm sorry," he frowned. "I'll go real quick and pick us up some food too."

"It's okay." I smiled. "I'll go with you cause I need to buy a couple things for the trip anyway. We shouldn't be too long." I nodded, standing from the bed. "He'll be okay for an hour."

"Why does he have to stay? He can come into the pet store with us," Jean shrugged.

"I have to go to that boutique in the city so he can't sit in the parking garage. I'll be quick, he'll be fine." I reassured as Jean nodded. "Okay, let's go." He smiled.

Jean and I got cleaned up some before we made our way out to the store. Afterwards we stopped and grabbed food, making sure to get extra for Jean's mom, Connie, and Nova who would all be coming over.

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