chapter 16

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"I like her. There, are you happy now?" Connie avoided all eye contact with Jean whom held him in place, his raised fist dropping as Connie finally confessed. "This better not be some sort of sick fucking joke!" Jean yelled, leaning in closer to Connie.

"Why the the hell would I make a joke while you're standing here threatening my life!?" Connie cried, tears now pouring out of his eyes as his hands shook, terrified he was about to lose his best friend.

"It doesn't make any damn sense!" Jean growled before forcefully removing Connie's back off the wall, turning them both around as he shoved him back onto the arm of the couch. Connie stumbling over until he laid on the black cushions, his hazel eyes widening, terrified of Jean's every move. Jean grit his teeth, pointing a finger at Connie who clenched his first around one of the soft blankets that laid on the back of the couch, hoping to stop the anxious shaking. "You're the one who helped ME get with her! You encouraged ME to go to dance with her that night! You've spent years teasing me about it! You do nothing but hook up with random girls every weekend! How the fuck do you like her and then do all of that!?" Jean was furious, his entire face red as he continued to yell. His volume not lowering for even a second.

Connie's eyes softened as he clenched his jaw before making direct eye contact with Jean. "Because..." he paused for a moment, sitting up even more so he was closer to his friend who angrily stood before him. "You have multiple sketch books filled with nothing but drawings of her! A whole album in your phone dedicated to pictures of her! A playlist for her! She's been your home and lock screen and half your social media feed since we were 16! You keep a Polaroid of her in your wallet, Jean!" Connie was yelling as tears continued to slide down his face, his breathing getting heavier the more he spoke. "I couldn't fucking compete! The way you look at her! The way she looks at you! I couldn't take that away from you or her! Both of you may have been blind to it, but anybody with eyes could see how much you two meant to each other and I wasn't going to ruin that for either of you."

Jean and Marco both stood in shock, not expecting the rant from Connie who before could barely form a sentence. Jean clenched his fist again, taking a step closer to Connie who slowly scooted back further onto the couch. "That doesn't give you any right to keep such a vulnerable picture of her." Jean growled, no longer yelling but anger still loomed in his voice.

"I know." Connie choked. "I'm sorry."

Jean laughed as he turned around, his hand rubbing his forehead in annoyance. He couldn't believe any of this was happening. He never in his life thought Connie would be hiding something like this. It made him question if he could truly trust his friend and he hated it. He hated everything that was happening but he just couldn't control himself. "You're not sorry." Jean spat, turning back around. "I know if I never found it you would've never told me." Jean frowned, watching as Connie's eyes averted their gaze to the wall, avoiding all eye contact with him.

"I just knew it was the only time I'd get to be close with her. I knew it would never happen again. I'd never get to touch or kiss or feel her ever again. I wanted to remember it." Connie paused, reaching his shaky hand up to wipe his eyes. "Because even then I knew she'd end up being yours." Connie looked up, staring directly into Jean's narrow eyes. "She just wanted to fuck me. I was nothing more and I accepted it."

"That doesn't give you any fucking right! Do you understand how intimate that picture is?! Do you understand how that makes me feel?!" Jean was once again yelling. He felt sick to his stomach, almost wanting to throw up at how insane this entire situation was.

"She was covered." Connie nervously defended.

"Oh. Okay. You're right. That makes it totally fucking okay!" Jean stated in a sarcastic tone. "As long as she's covered it's fine that she's naked."

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