chapter 18

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- a couple things. one, this chapter contains season 4 episode 8 spoilers! the next chapter also contains quite a bit so if you're not caught up i suggest doing so before reading! also sorry this chapter is late. updates should be a little faster now! anyway, pls enjoy :)

A few days passed and it was now officially our first day back at work. Jean still hasn't said a word to Connie or Marco but I could tell he was having a hard time not caving in.

I sat at my vanity, caking foundation on my neck to hide the faded hickies that were still very visible from the other night. Jean laid on my bed playing a game on his phone as I got myself ready. "So when are you gonna admit you miss him, huh?" I raised an eyebrow glancing over at him as he glared at me. "When are you gonna stop asking me?" He snapped. 

"You gonna test me at 7am?" I raised an eyebrow as he huffed. "Maybe." He mumbled, focused on his game.

"I've been talking to Marco." I stated, watching as he glanced over before quickly going back to his phone. "So what?" He mumbled again.

"Connie misses you." I stated as he grit his teeth. "I didn't ask." He snapped.

"Babe, come on! When are you gonna stop being so damn stubborn? Huh?" I asked as he threw his phone down, turning to me. "What is there to miss, huh?" He asked as I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know how about gaming with him? Going out with him? You don't miss sending him the stupid tik toks that make you laugh? You don't miss your gym buddy?" I raised an eyebrow as Jean crossed his arms, his eyes averting away from mine. "No." He pout. "Now stop." He mumbled.

"Fine." I turned back to my mirror. "But no more cuddling until you admit it." I taunted and I could practically feel his eyes burning into me before he spoke. "The fuck did you just say?" He asked as I slowly turned my head to face him. "You heard me." I smirked as he slowly leaned forward. "I'm gonna give you two seconds to run before I tickle the life out of you." He glared.

"You won't-" I was cut off as he jumped from the bed, my body instantly standing from the vanity chair as I ran towards my door, swinging it open before I ran as fast as I could out of the room and down the hall, Jean's loud footsteps close behind but I didn't dare look back.

I ran into the kitchen, running around the island  before moving into the living room. Jean trailed behind me even closer before we both split up to opposite sides of the couch. I faced the back as he stood in front of the coffee table, his arms out, ready to take off at any second.

I stepped to the left, Jean following as we both stared at each other. "Admit you miss him!" I yelled as he grit his teeth. "I do not!" He yelled back, following as I moved to the right. "Then no cuddles I guess." I shrugged as Jean quickly moved forward, jumping completely over the couch. I went to start down the hall but before I got too far he yanked the back of my shirt as I tripped over my foot. Jean was quick to turn our bodies as we both fell to the ground, my fall cushioned by his torso as he coughed for air.

"Guys. It's 7 in the morning. What are you doing?"

We both looked up to see Sasha standing in her bedroom doorway, rubbing her eyes as we had clearly just woken her up. Niccolo appeared a few seconds later, standing behind her as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Jean is being stubborn." I groaned as he forcefully shoved my body off of him and onto the floor. "You're being annoying." He pout, as we both stood up.

"I'll go start breakfast." Niccolo awkwardly laughed as he kissed Sasha's temple before making his way down the hall. "I'm gonna go help him." Jean glared at me before placing a forceful kiss to my forehead. "How romantic." I laughed as he flipped me off before turning the corner into the kitchen.

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