chapter 22 (nsfw)

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Once again time had passed and finally it was time to fly out to Hawaii. The only unfortunate thing about this entire trip was the timing of our flight being 3 in the morning. Meaning our only form of sleep would be on a plane. Fortunately we were flying first class like usual so at least the seats would be comfy.

Sasha and I stepped out of the Uber, our suitcases rolling against the concrete, my two other duffle bags stacked on top as I held my purse over my shoulder.

We made our way into the airport, the air cold in the large open space, barely anyone around due to the time. I liked when flights were booked like this, sure it was excessively early and I hated being up, it made the trip more peaceful and we weren't bombarded with fans. Not that we didn't like to meet them, but at times it was exhausting and when going on vacation, we wanted to relax.

I picked up my phone to see Jean had messaged me, letting us know where him and Niccolo were. Sasha and I looked up, examining the area to see Jean and Niccolo waving for us. "Over there." I pointed as we began walking towards them.

"Hi." I smiled as Jean leaned down before wrapping his arms tightly around me, lifting me off the ground as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "God, I missed you so much." He mumbled as he held me close. I laid my head against his shoulder, tightly wrapping my arms around his neck. "It's only been a couple days." I laughed. "But I missed you too." I said softly, closing my eyes, a risky game considering I was ready to fall asleep any second.

"Where are the others?" Sasha asked.

"They're almost here." Niccolo stated. 

"Levi and Hange might take a little longer cause they had to stop at the studio." Jean stated as his hands moved down to my thighs to hold me up as I hugged him. My eyes still closed as I took in his usual scent, his warm body making me even more sleepy.

"She's gonna fall asleep." I heard Sasha whisper.

"That's fine." Jean laughed, which was the last thing I remember before I passed out.

I don't know how long it had been but I knew it must've been a decent amount of time. "Hey." I heard someone whisper as I whined, not wanting to be woken up. "Baby, we have to go through security and stuff, you have to wake up." I heard Jean's voice as I groaned, my eyes fully opening as I leaned back, realizing I was still in his arms. "I got your ticket and stuff already." He said softly, gently placing me onto the ground, before pulling the ticket from his hoodie pocket.

"She's awake." I heard Hitch's voice as I turned around to see everyone getting ready to go through security. "Shut up." I groaned as Pieck laughed. "I don't think any of us want to be awake right now." She smiled.

"I'm fine." Hange smiled.

"You're fine cause you chugged three redbulls on the way here." Levi mumbled.

I turned back to Jean as he removed his shoes. "Did you check in my suitcase?" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah. I kept the one duffle bag though, Sasha said there's blankets and snacks in there." He motioned to the bag Sasha had lifted onto the conveyor belt as I nodded.

After going through security we finally began making our way to the waiting area to board the flight. When we arrived there was only a few others there. We all sat together and waited patiently, my head leaning against Jean's shoulder as I tried falling back asleep. Armin and Annie both already passed out along with Hitch, Marlo, Historia, and Ymir. Hange sat reading a science book and Sasha and Niccolo had disappeared to go get food at whatever place was open in the airport at this hour.

Levi went over to talk to one of the employees for a minute before he made his way back over, an irritated expression on his face. "Our flights been delayed for two hours." He groaned, throwing himself back into the seat next to Hange.

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