chapter 5 (nsfw)

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A few days had gone by and it was finally the weekend, meaning we had a couple days off to relax. I sat on the couch watching tv and drinking wine like the party animal I was.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what, guess whaaaaaaat!?" Sasha ran down the hallway and into the living room, sliding across the tile floor.

I raised an eyebrow, pausing the tv before turning to face her. "What?" I asked, watching as she went over to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water before running over to me, sitting in the lounge chair that sat next to the couch.

"I got a date!" She cheered. I smiled, leaning forward on the couch. "No way, that's awesome! Whose the lucky guy?" I asked, reaching for my glass of wine that sat on the black coffee table.

Sasha was never the type to do hookups and she'd only had one previous boyfriend who turned out to be a crazy fan who just wanted the money and recognition. So for a long time she never really initiated intimate relationships with anyone. Hearing she finally agreed to go on a date with someone made me genuinely happy for her. I loved Sasha with my whole heart, she'd been my best friend since the first day we met on set. I wanted nothing but the absolute best for her.

"You're never gonna believe it." She blushed, taking a drink of her water for a moment before speaking again. "I'll give you a hint." She smiled.

"Nooooo." I whined. "Just tell meeeee." I took a sip of the red liquid before sitting it back down, careful not to spill it.

"Niccolo." She covered her mouth with her hand, hiding the huge smile she had on her face.

My face lit up as my smile grew even wider. The two had been friends for a while and he often cooked special dishes for Sasha, knowing how much she loved his cooking. The whole group didn't know him very deeply but we knew he was a good guy and could tell he had a thing for the girl for a while. It's good to see he finally initiated something. "Finally! Oh my god, words cannot describe how happy I am for you!"

"Thank you so much! He asked me this morning and I couldn't pass it up. He's total boyfriend material. He can COOK, (y/n)! He's literally perfect."  She smiled.

"Is being able to cook the only attribute you look for ooooor?" I laughed.

"No but it helps a lot! Anyway." She trailed off. "We're going tonight around 6!"

"Tonight?! Sasha, it's already 4! We have to go get you ready!" I jumped off the couch, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the chair and down the hall into her bedroom. She quickly sat down on her bed as I walked over to her closet, opening the large door.

I paused, turning to the girl. "Okay so what are you guys doing? Like what kind of date is it?" I asked, trying to think of a cute outfit for her. "Well we're going to a hibachi bar and then we're going to go see a movie and then he's taking me to the overlook to have a picnic." She smiled.

"Okay so you need something casual and comfortable." I turned and went into her walk in closet. After rummaging through her excessive amounts of band t shirts and her small section of designer clothes I decided on a simple outfit. I knew since they'd be indoors it'd be chilly due to them having the ac on so I knew to do long sleeves.

"Put this on." I instructed, tossing her the clothing. She nodded before standing off her bed to start changing.

"Ooooh, I love it!" She smiled, spinning around in her full body mirror. I smiled softly watching the girl. "You're so pretty. Niccolo better realize how lucky he is or I'll beat his ass." I joked making Sasha laugh.

After another hour of me doing her hair and  makeup and getting herself together, Niccolo finally showed up. The door bell rang as I quickly finished Sasha's hair. "He's here, he's here, he's here!" She cheered, grabbing her purse before running down the hall. "Wait up" I yelled, sprinting after her.

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